
人教社英语义务教育教材单词短语/八下Unit 10


1.     短V变形计:die – be dead   marry – be married  open – be open

close – be closed  come/arrive – be here   go/leave – be away (from)

start/begin – be on    finish – be over   join – be in/a member of…

become – be    return to …– be back to…

borrow – keep    buy – have   

catch a cold – have a cold    get married – be married

2.     in the yard在院子里   have a yard sale庭院拍卖

3.     bring back sweet memories带回甜美的回忆    bring back many sweets带回很多糖果

4.     memorize:V记忆  memory:N  have a good memory记性好

5.     help people in need 帮助需要的人  A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情

6.     cent分   dollar美元   pound英磅

7.     toy bear玩具熊    soft toy 毛绒玩具  board games棋类游戏   give away捐赠

8.     bread maker 面包机     scarf围巾   scarfs/scarves(复数)

9.     check out察看、观察    a couple of months几个月

10. junior high school  初中  senior high school 高中

11. clean up 打扫    clear out 清除   get当系动词= become:as they get bigger/older 当他们长大时 get cold变冷   get popular变得受欢迎 

12. 不再:no longer = not…any longer(指时间)    no more = not… anymore(指次数)

13. a beautiful city with a long history一个美丽的城市拥有悠久的历史

14. own:V = have拥有    owner: 主人(N)   of one's own:归某人所有  

the owner of……的主人

15. railway station    a train and railway set一套轨道火车玩具

16. part with放弃、分出     take part in…参加(活动)   play a part in….发挥…作用

17. certainly当然(副) be certain about… 对…确信 in a certain way从某种意义上来说

18. as for 针对、对于…     even though = although 尽管 ever since = since自从…

19. 形:honest 诚实的  dishonest (反)    名: honesty 诚实   dishonesty不诚实   

to be honest = to tell the truth说实话   an honest girl = a truthful girl一个诚实的女生

20. for a while 暂时、一会儿   once in a while  偶尔 

21. 如何处理:What….do with….?  = How….deal with…?

22. true(形) 真的  truth (名)事实、真相

truthful (形)诚实的 = honest      truthfully(副)真诚地

23. hometown feelings家乡情怀    understanding善解人意的

24. nowadays 现今,目前    crayon彩色铅笔    a children's home一个儿童之家

25. search for = look for寻找    search ….for…搜查…找…   search the place搜查某地

26. with a hard job in a crayon factory由于彩色铅笔厂里的艰辛工作

27. return home at least once a year 回家至少一年一次

28. 在…之间between(两者)   among(3者以上)    

29.  It's been around for at least 20 years.在这附近至少20年了

30. look around环顾四周   walk around四处走动   turn around转身

31. shame 遗憾、羞愧  shameful可耻的 It's a shame that…. / It's a pity that…….很遗憾。

32. regard:V 关注、认为  treat…as…把…当…对待 

视….为…: regard…as…  /consider…as….   

33. regard with great interest   以极大的兴趣关注

34. learn to count 学习数数    It's the thought that count.礼轻情意重

35. in order to …为了…    in order not to do….为了不…

36. appear 出现(V)  appearance外貌

37. sent the teacher from cities to help派城里的老师支教

38. in the 21st century = in the 2000s在21世纪   

in the 1980s = in the 1980's在20世纪80年代

39. according to… 根据…     such developments 这些发展

40. stay the same保持不变    a symbol of…一个标志   in my time在我的那个年代

41. 在…对面:opposite  =  be across from…

42. especially尤其是   such a happy childhood一个如此快乐的童年

43. in one's childhood在某人的童年    

44. leave many soft and sweet memories in our hearts


45. hold/have all his childhood memories容纳他所有的童年记忆

46. consider doing sth.考虑做某事     imagine doing sth.设想做某事  

consider 疑代to do

47. be close to… 接近…

48. hold/held/held 容纳    The classroom can hold 50 students.