


目标 Goal

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帮助学生分析某个使用者、物体或是系统的流程,以更完整的理解、发现重新设计的机会。 To help students catalog the path of a user, object or system in order to better understand it and look for design opportunities.

所需时间 Duration

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大约三十分钟(范例教案如下) about 30 minutes just on this tool (Sample lesson below)

适用人数 Group Size

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理想上每组学生约3-4人;可以整班一起进行。 groups of 3-4 students are ideal; Can be done with whole class

为什么用旅程图? Why use a journey map?

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为了要增进学生的同理心,或是让其透过体验来了解某个流程、思考流程中的细节,这个活动能够启发学生找到更深的洞见。建立旅程图是个很好切入点来针对流程中的各阶段或各步骤进行系统性的思考。旅程图可以用来作为组内作业的后续发想,也很适合拿来跟其他伙伴分享自己的发现。 In gaining empathy for a person or understanding of one’s process through an experience, considering the details of that process can illuminate areas for potential insights. Creating a journey map is an excellent way to systematically think about the steps or milestones of a process. A journey map can be used for your own empathy work, or to communicate your findings to others.

如何使用旅程图? How to use a journey map?

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Create diagrams that capture multiple observations, e.g. a map of a user’s day, a map of a user’s experience, or a map of how a product moves through a space (from manufacturing to store shelf to user’s hands). Consider a process or journey that is relevant, or even tangential to, your problem space. For example, you could consider your user’s morning breakfast routine.You could capture every event of one person’s exercise in a month – and consider who she was with, where she came from, where she exercised, and where she went afterwards. Or perhaps you are developing a dating service website; you could document every communication between two people before the first date. One important concern is to be comprehensive within the variables you choose to capture. (Don’t overlook the opening of the window shades in the morning breakfast routine.) What seems meaningless, could actually be the nugget that develops into a stunning insight.

Organize the data in a way that makes sense: a timeline of events, a number of parallel timelines that allows for easy comparison, a series of pictures, or a stack of cards. Then look for patterns and anomalies and question why those themes or events occurred. Push yourself to connect individual events to a larger context or framework. It is often the pairing of an observation with the designer’s knowledge and perspective that yields a meaningful insight.

教案范例 Sample Lesson

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介绍旅程图: Introduce Journey Map:

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我们用这个活动来了解使用者的情境,发现重新设计的机会在哪里。 We do this to help us understand the context around our user and what design opportunities exist for him/her.

若是大组引导:: Large Group Example:

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  • 透过先拿出一个例子、或是在黑板上记录学生的想法。先例包含:想想看番茄是怎么会跑到比萨上头的,或者是学生怎么上学的,或者是总统要去总统府上班的过程。
  • Either pre-load an example or draw one on the board with student input. Sample questions might be: talk about the life of a tomato to get on a pizza, or a student's journey to get to school, or the president's journey to get to the White House.

若是小组引导: Small group work:

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  • 引导学生进行小组绘制他们自己或朋友等使用者的旅程图。鼓励学生在旅程图里头加上不同的分类:像是这个使用者的心情如何、使用者如何跟其他人互动、是什么拖延了使用者...等等。学生可以在使用者离开后自己再添加这些内容。
  • Have students work in small groups to map the journey of their user(s). Encourage students to include another dimension to their map - this might be what the user is feeling, who the user interacts with, what is slowing the user down, etc. Students could include this aspect in their map as the user goes along.

心得分享: Debrief:

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  • 活动进展顺利吗?下次还可以怎么改善呢?
  • How did that activity go? What could we do to make it be better next time?


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