
模板:Non-free use rationale logo


非自由/合理使用媒体文件依据 -非自由版权的标志:- 警告:条目{{{Article}}}不存在











请选择 "Use=" Infobox / Org / Brand / Product / Public facility / Other





Fair use合理使用[[{{{Article}}}]]上下文中受版权保护的材料//zh.wikiversity.org/wiki/Template:Non-free_use_rationale_logo
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This template is to help users write fair use rationales for non-free logos as required by WP:NFC, WP:LOGO, and WP:FURG. Include this in the Summary section of the image file once for each article in which the image is inserted.

This template automatically inserts standard rationale text. For a "dumb" template with manually-added fields, see {{Non-free use rationale}} or a pair of {{Non-free image data}} and {{Non-free image rationale}}.



Please use copyrighted content responsibly and in accordance with Wikipedia policy. A template alone does not make a logo fair to use. It merely helps you state why you think it is appropriate.

This template is optimized for logos of brands/organizations used in the article about that brand/organization. Other contexts may work, but it may not. Before saving, try the "preview" feature to review the text produced by this template. Be sure the language is true and complete. If not, consider using the override fields or a hand-written justification.


{{Non-free use rationale logo
| Article           = 
| Use               = <!--可選擇:Infobox / Org / Brand / Product / Public facility / Other -->
| Purpose           = <!--如果你的 Use 參數設定為 other,必填,否則不予理會 -->
<!-- 額外資訊 -->
| Used_for          = 
| Owner             = 
| Description       = 
| Website           = 
| History           = 
| Commentary        = 
<!--覆蓋資訊 -->
| Source            = 
| Portion           = 
| Low_resolution    = 
| Replaceability    = 
| Other_information = 


  • Article:条目名称,不加“[[ ]]”。
  • Use:Specifies how is the image used in the article? Choose one of the following:
    Infobox: Use when the logo is placed in a company infobox to represent the company. Do not use for other types of infoboxes.
    Org: Use when logo identifies an organization in an article or section about the organization
    Brand: Use when logo identifies a brand in an article or section about the brand
    Product: Use when logo identifies a product or service in an article or section about that product or service
    Public facility: Use when logo is used to identify a road, airport, station, route, city, neighborhood, government service, etc.
    Other: Use when none of the above applies. In this case, you must fill the "Purpose" field.
  • Purpose:如果不是上述这些条件,请解释如何使用及原因。



Use of these fields are optional. Most of the times they are used only when condition dictates.

  • Used_for: Specifies what is the name of the entity that the logo identifies, if different from the article name
  • Owner: Specifies who owns the logo, if different than article name. Full legal name is best.
  • Description: Specifies additional details that are to be appended to the logo description.
  • Website: If taken from a website, this field specifies the location. Please include the full URL of the webpage on which the image is displayed; do not link directly to the image. Also please do not include anything else except the URL. You may use {{URL}} template if you wish.
  • Commentary: Use if it is necessary to discuss any commentary in the article about the logo itself.
  • History: If logo is discontinued or modified, use this field if it is necessary to explain when and how was it used historically.



Although this template is used to help automatically generate a well-written fair-use rationale text, some times situation dictates that part of the automatically generated text must be overridden. These fields help you insert your own text instead of the automatically generated ones.

  • Source: Used to specify where and how you obtained this image. Overrides the automatically generated source information from Article, Used for and Website fields.
  • Portion: Used to specify whether the entire logo or part of it is used and why. Overrides the automatically generated text.
  • Low_resolution: Used to specify whether the image is unusually large or small, and why. For SVG logos, use {{SVG-Res}}.
  • Replaceability: Used to explain why the image cannot be replaced with a free image, if the default explanations are not accurate
  • Other_information: Used to supply any other information you think helps the image's fair use case. Overrides default text.