
人教社英語義務教育教材單詞短語/八下Unit 1

  1. have a cough = cough咳嗽have a bad/heavy cold  重感冒 have a stomachache胃疼
  2. die of cancer死於癌症get an X-ray拍X光片
  3. take a risk/ take risks 冒險  take a break / take breaks休息
  4. lose too much blood失血過多  get sunburned曬傷
  5. go mountain climbing去爬山    as a mountain climber作為一名爬山者
  6. take one's temperature 量體溫
  7. decide to do sth = make a decision to do sth.決定做某事
  8. elp oneself to….  (oneself 與 主語保持一致)自便吃…..
  9. eat with knives and forks用刀叉吃
  10. thanks to幸虧 = with the help of…
  11. away from the computer遠離電腦
  12. to one's surprise令某人意外的是
  13. get into trouble陷入麻煩、惹麻煩    get out of the difficult situation擺脫困境
  14. without thinking twice 沒有多想、毫不猶豫 without moving 沒有活動
  15. press the sides of your nose捏住你的鼻子 put your head down把頭往後仰
  16. at the thought of his words 一想到他的話
  17. a movie called Red Sea Action名叫「紅海行動」的一部電影
  18. be in control of…控制、把握
  19. fall off = fall down from…從…掉落
  20. sth run out = run out of sth./use up 用完、用盡
  21. get hit on+硬部位  /in+軟部位    撞到…..
  22. hurt oneself doing sth.當做某事時傷到自己
  23. sb (used to do sth過去常做某事/ be used to doing sth.過去習慣於做某事)
  24. sth ( be used to do sth/ be used for doing sth.)被用來做某事
  25. have a little trouble with my teeth.牙齒出了一點小麻煩
  26. have trouble/problems doing sth.做某事有困難 have problems with sth.某事有困難
  27. the importance of....。。。的重要性
  28. a 14-year-old student = a student of 14 years old一位14歲的學生
  29. put the medicine on the cut  把藥在傷口上
  30. in a difficult/dangerous situation在一種困難/危險的情況下
  31. be in good spirits 精神抖擻
  32. What do you mean? = What's the meaning of…?
  33. have a (high)fever 發(高)燒 have a (bad/heavy)cold 受涼;感冒  have a headache 頭痛  have a toothache 牙疼  have a stomachache 胃疼 have a sore throat 喉嚨痛 have a sore back 背疼
  34. talk too much 說得太多    drink enough water 喝足夠的水hot tea with honey 加蜂蜜的熱茶
  35. see a dentist 看牙醫   get an X-ray 拍X 光片
  36. take one' s temperature 量體溫  put some medicine on sth. 在……上面敷藥
  37. feel very hot 感到很熱   sound like 聽起來像
  38. all weekend 整個周末   in the same way  以同樣的方式
  39. go to a doctor 看醫生   go along 沿着……走
  40. on the side of the road 在馬路邊   shout for help 大聲呼救
  41. without thinking twice 沒有多想
  42. get off/get on下車/上車(大交通)get into/get out of…(小交通)
  43. have a heart problem 有心臟病
  44. to one' s surprise/joy/satisfaction/disappointment令某人意外/高興/滿意/失望
  45. thanks to 多虧了 ;幸虧   Because of…. 由於;
  46. in time 及時 on time 按時 at times=sometimes有時
  47. save a life 挽救生命  save one's life救某人的命lose one's life 喪生
  48. get into trouble 造成(陷入)麻煩  get out of trouble擺脫麻煩
  49. have trouble (in) doing sth做某事有困難
  50. right away 立刻;馬上=at once   because of 由於
  51. get out of 離開;從……出來  hurt oneself 受傷 put a bandage on sth. 用繃帶包紮
  52. fall down 摔倒 feel sick 感到噁心
  53. have a nosebleed 流鼻血  cut his knee 割傷他的膝蓋
  54. put her head back 把她的頭向後仰  have problems breathing 呼吸困難
  55. mountain climbing 登山運動
  56. be used to doing sth. 習慣做某事 used to do sth.過去常做某事
  57. run out (of) 用完;用盡= use up
  58. so that 以便.;目的是…=in order that…so. . . that 如此… …以至於…
  59. be in control of 掌管;管理 in a difficult situation 在險境中
  60. keep on doing sth. 繼續或堅持做某事 make decisions 做出決定
  61. take risks 冒險  give up doing sth 放棄做某事
  62. lie down and rest 躺下來休息(go to) see a doctor(去)看病
  63. agree to do sth. 同意做某事 agree on sth.在某件事上達成一致

agree with sb.同意某人(觀點或看法)

  1. take breaks 休息  wait for 等待 think about 考慮
  2. cut off 切除 be interested in 對…感興趣。
  3. the same as… 和…一樣…   away from…遠離…
  4. see sb. do sth.看見某人做某事過程 see sb. doing sth.看見某人正在做某事
  5. be good for 對..有好處 at least 至少 
  6. used to +v.  過去常常 be used to+ving或n. 習慣於
    • look forward to +ving 盼望做某事 *pay attention to +ving 專心作某事
  7. What' s the matter? 你怎麼了?=What' s the matter with you?

= What's the trouble with you?= What' s wrong with you? =What happened to you?