WikiJournal of Medicine
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ISSN: 2002-4436 www.WikiJMed.org Frequency: Continuous Since: March 2014 Funding: Wikimedia Foundation Publisher: WikiJournal User Group |
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醫學維基期刊是一份ISSN註冊,同行評審,開放獲取的醫學和生物醫學期刊,免費出版。該期刊由維基媒體基金會(Wikimedia Foundation)主辦,該基金會是運營維基百科的組織。通過同行評審的文章作為可引用的索引PDF發佈,合適的文本和圖像被集成到維基百科和相關項目中(帶有索引PDF的連結)。維基百科的龐大讀者群導致了收錄作品的高效影響。
該期刊以各種形式發表評論文章和原創研究。 維基期刊使學術和醫學專業人員能夠以學術出版形式向維基媒體運動提供專業知識,直接用可引用的出版物獎勵他們。包含的作品被分配了DOI代碼(通過Crossref到每個作品的永久連結),並由學者,DOAJ和其他人編制索引。




- 維基媒體基金會使用MediaWiki軟件託管的可編輯「wiki」版本
- 一個穩定的PDF版本,這是可引用的「記錄版本」
在納入期刊之前,文章提交由至少兩位醫學專家進行同行評審。 當編輯委員會做出關於在期刊中包含該文章的最終決定時,對同行評審的質量進行加權。 該期刊強調整個過程的透明度,從同行評審到最終版本,所有版本都可以在線免費訪問。
該期刊免費提供服務,通過向維基媒體基金會捐款,以及完全志願的同行評審員,編輯和編輯委員會成員。 醫學維基期刊是維基期刊出版集團的一部分,也是該雜誌的正式出版商。
任何人都可以編輯期刊頁面,但只允許對接受的期刊文章(例如拼寫)進行少量編輯。 任何更改已發佈文章內容的編輯都需要進行額外的同行評審,如果接受,則會在頁面的更新版本中發佈。 更新已發表文章主要文本的建議可以創建為單獨的草稿,在用於更新文章之前重新提交以進行同行評審。
ICMJE關於行為,報告,編輯和出版的建議:[1] 期刊編輯的COPE行為準則:[2] 布達佩斯開放獲取倡議建議:[3]
- 谷歌學術
- 開放獲取期刊目錄(DOAJ)
- Informit,包括已發表文章的存檔
- WorldCat中
- AltMetric
- 交叉引用
- ScienceOpen
除了傳統的影響因子(尚未由科學網分配;此處為非官方評估)之外,該期刊還優先考慮各種指標的不同影響,例如其AltMetric評分。 此外,對於完整或部分集成到維基百科中的那些文章,可以實現高覆蓋率。
- More detailed updates are located at the discussion page
Part of the WikiJournal Publishing Group
- 2004-07-05: Proposal of "Wiki Scholarly Journals", where articles undergo peer review
- 2009-09-12: Proposal:Journal, a structured proposal for creating a journal as a Wikimedia project
- 2010-09-28: Core criteria for a journal are described in Wikiversity
- 2011-01-22: A diagram of hormone levels throughout the menstrual cycle, that would later become the first WikiJournal article, is uploaded
- 2012-09-11: First official external peer review performed on a pilot study
- 2013-12-11: The diagram of hormone levels is peer reviewed
- 2014-03-25: Wikiversity Journal is officially created by Mikael Häggström, with Wikiversity Journal of Medicine becoming the first member journal
- 2014-03-28: The journal is registered by the National Library of Sweden and is assigned an ISSN
- 2014-04-12: Articles are assigned DOI codes by Crossref
- 2015-01-12: The first editorial board is formed, with members Dr James Heilman (former president of WikiProject Medicine Foundation and ex-member of the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees), Gwinyai Masukume, Lisa Kipersztok and Mikael Häggström
- 2016-02-08: Inspired by the newly created WikiJournal of Science, the journal expands accepted forms of submissions to include any medical Wikipedia content
- 2016-06-01: The project is accepted as a Wikimedia user group
- 2016-07: Major layout and formatting update by Thomas Shafee
- 2016-09-07: Wikiversity Journal is renamed to become WikiJournal
- 2016-09-29: Listing in the Directory of Open Access Journals
- 2016-11-30: Registration as a non-profit organization in Sweden
- 2017-01-04: Requirement of peer review of at least 2 independent medical experts for all publications
- 2017-03-17: The authorship declaration form was implemented, replacing the previous submission letter
- 2017-12-11: Indexed in ScienceOpen
- 2018-02-21: Formal ethics statement ratified
- 2018-07-06: The journal is accepted as a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
See also
This page is also available in Swedish