
實用華英注音系統 miMandarin Phonetic System



miMandarin Phonetic System

陳信穎  盧用章  高資敏

   華語使用方塊文字,每一個字都被賦予完整的讀音和字義,與歐、美、日等拼音文字截然不同。為了讓使用拼音語系的民眾準確掌握華語的聲調,學習更容易上手,作者自2010年開始研發實用華英注音系統(miMandarin phonetic system),採用聯合國建議的漢語拼音,並且依照普通話的五個聲調,將每一個中文字都搭配正確的聲母、韻母和聲調。



輕聲 (˙) = ( * )

陰平聲 ( ) = ( ~ )

陽平聲 (ˊ) = (' )

上聲 (ˇ) = (" )

去聲 (ˋ) = ( ^ )

[~],[' ],[" ],[^],[*]這五個符號在電腦,手機和平板的鍵盤上都容易選取,並且直接標在羅馬拼音的右上角。另外修改了漢語拼音規則中的兩個音的拼法:

1. 將ㄜ的拼音由e改為eo,以免和ㄝ的拼音e混淆。

2. 將ㄩ的拼音由ü,yu,io等一律改為uu,以利鍵盤繕打,也避免和ㄨ的拼音u重複。目前大陸方面為了方便鍵盤輸入將ü改為v,不符合音韻學慣例。


ㄅ      b ㄍ  g sh(shi) a an
ㄆ  p ㄎ  k r(ri) o en(n)
ㄇ  m ㄏ  h z(zi) eo ang
ㄈ  f j c(ci) e eng(ng)
ㄉ  d q s(si) ai er
ㄊ  t x i(y,yi) ei
ㄋ  n zh(zhi) u(w,wu) ao
ㄌ  l ch(chi) uu(yuu) ou

Introduction of miMandarin

Chen'Hsin^Ying"   Lu'Yong^Zhang~ Kao~Tzu~Min"

      陳   信   穎    盧   用   章    高   資   敏

Mandarin Chinese is unique, each ideographic character possesses its meaning and pronunciation including vowel, consonant, and tone. It is totally different from English, Japanese and other alphabetical texts. In order to make it easier for people other than Chinese to learn correct Chinese language, the authors began to develop a new Mandarin romanization phonetic symbol system since 2010.

In this system, the Hanyu Pinyin romanization announced by PROC, recommended by the United Nations is adopted, in accordance with the miMandarin tones. The traditional symbols for five tones is replaced by the Digital Phonetic Symbols. For ease of remembering and differing from other Chinese pronunciation and phonetic transcription systems, the system is named miMandarin (innovative digital phonetic symbol system for Mandarin romanization) m stands for mobile and i stands for intelligent.

In 1988, the education committee of PROC issued guidelines, including 36 rules, for Mandarin romanization. It is hard to learn the rules, and very difficult to key in tones with keyboard. In response to these shortcomings, the authors reorganized the rules to only 6, so that miMandarin enables users to quickly and correctly type Mandarin romanization and tones on computer. The miMandarin allows beginners to read out the correct tone of each word, phrase, and sentence, and makes oral communication more friendly. If this system can be recognized and promoted, it will reinitiate the rapid increase of Chinese-using population in the world.

The basic characters representing phonetic tones of miMandarin are:

[~] = dark level tone, marking as 『 』

['] = light level tone, marking as 『ˊ』

["] = rising tone, marking as 『ˇ』

[^] = departing tone, marking as 『ˋ』

[*] = soft tone, marking as 『˙』

The markings of tones are derived from the phonetic system used in both traditional and simple Chinese. These 5 characters can be easily found in any keyboard of computer.

The rules of miMandarin are:

1.  The romanization mainly follows Hanyu Pinyin, but some terms or names written in the forms of General Usage(Tongyong Pinyin)system, Wade-Giles system, and dialects will also be quoted.

2.   The written form of romanization is basically composed of small letter(s) of English. Tradition and simple Chinese characters can be written similarly.

Examples: 安=an~,臺=tai',手=shou",上=shang^,吧=ba*

3.   Every Chinese character is independent. Likewise, every completed miMandarin spelling is independent.

Examples: 安慰=an~wei^(comfort),愛國者=ai^guo'zheo"(patriot),按圖索驥=an^tu'suo"ji^,漢語拼音=han^yuu"pin~yin~  

4.   The first letter becomes capital when the phrases refer to official names of nations, places, roads, institutes, organizations, and people. Examples: 埃及=Ai~Ji'(Egypt), 臺灣=Tai'Wan~(Taiwan),上海市=Shang^Hai"Shi^(Shanghai city),中正路=Zhung~Zheng^Lu^(road),  

愛迪生=Ai^Di'Sheng~ (Edison),外交部=Wai^Jiao~Bu^(Ministry of foreign affairs), 奧林匹克=Ao^Lin'Pi~Keo^(Olympics).

5.   There are 3 types of written form of counting numbers:


yi~ (one),1、一、壹

er^ (two),2、二、貳


si^  (four),4、四、肆

wu" (five),5、五、伍

liou^ (six),6、六、陸

qi~ (seven),7、七、柒

ba~ (eight),8、八、捌

jiou" (nine),9、九、玖

shi' (ten),10、十、拾

bai" (hundred),100、百、佰


wan^(ten thousand),10000、萬


yi^(hundred million),億


6. miMandarin is only used for Chinese article romanization, not for

  translation. It can be regarded as an English version of the phonetic symbols used in Taiwan.
