- 在英国南部发现了有新石器时代的同类人相食的遗骸[2]。

- The 100,000-year-old bones of six Neanderthals found in the Moula-Guercy Cave, France, had been broken by other Neanderthals in such a way as to extract marrow and brains. Finds made in the Sidrón Cave in Spain also show evidence of exocannibalism.[5]
- Genetic studies have revealed a "powerful episode" of natural selection concurrent with the extinction of the Neanderthals.[6] Drawing on hundreds of studies in relation to the kuru disease which is only known to spread through cannibalism, researchers conclude that the 127V gene, which is known only for resisting kuru-like diseases, evidences widespread cannibalism among recent humans. If modern humans and Neanderthals, who co-existed with each other at that time, practised cannibalism together, it is theorised this gene would have protected humans from the kuru-like diseases, but led to the Neanderthals' deaths, perhaps even their extinction.[7]
- Human bones and skulls found in Gough's Cave in Somerset, England, show that around 15,000 years ago, ritual cannibalism was practiced in Stone Age Britain.[8][9]
- 公元前88年,在米特拉达梯战争时期,罗马共和国军队在苏拉率领的部队圍困雅典城,城中粮食缺乏出现了人相食。[13]除阿庇安的作品里有描述之外,现代考古也在城市广场发现了当时的約175具大人小孩遗骨和100具動物的遗骨有齒痕啃咬的痕迹[14]
- 公园前52年,凯撒围攻高卢城镇阿莱西亚时,曾记载一名高卢贵族Critognatus建议效仿在公元前107~102年间高卢人抵抗条顿人和辛布里人入侵时的先例,将老弱病残作为军粮从而避免战败。所幸此次战事中Critognatus的建议仅被当作最后手段,并未直接采用。[17]
- 凯撒遇刺后公元前43年的后三巨头时期,文学家西塞罗族人遭到迫害,其弟昆图斯·西塞罗因为背叛西塞罗,被西塞罗前妻Pomponia折磨并指使其释奴Philologus活活割下他的肉、炙烤并吃下。普鲁塔克质疑这段记载真实性,但仍然收录了自己的著作中。[18]
- 据塔西佗的阿古利可拉传记载,约在公元后82年,被征入罗马军队的日耳曼部落Usipetes发生兵变,偷走军船在海上断粮,用抽签選船员分食,直到在苏维汇人部落控制的地区靠岸出现了人相食 。[23][24]
- 193—195年罗马帝国内战期间,后来建立了塞维鲁王朝的塞普蒂米乌斯·塞维鲁围困佩斯切尼乌斯·奈哲尔控制的拜占庭城,城中出现了人相食。[25]
- 圣哲罗姆在他反对Jovinianus的文章中声称不列颠的Attacotti部落把人的胸部和臀部视作美味佳肴。[26]
- 408年西哥特首领亚拉里克围困罗马时截断了台伯河的谷物输送航线,失去了亚非利加行省粮食的罗马城内当时有近80万人口,据说出现了易子而食或者易妻而食的情况。亚拉里克得到赎金和人质后解除围城,但在409年因东西罗马的皇帝争夺罗马城,罗马再度被封锁并出现了求购人肉的情况。410年亚拉里克遭到行刺,认为是受西罗马皇帝指使,盛怒之下再次折返围困打算洗劫罗马,但据基督徒作家哲罗姆记载,西哥特人入城之前,陷入疯狂的罗马居民就已经几乎相食殆尽了。[27][28]
- 503年波斯围困拜占庭的阿米达城时,有妇女需要将人肉和皮靴混起来烹饪 。[30]
- In the Historia regum Britanniae, Geoffrey of Monmouth tells of the young Brian who cuts off a piece of flesh from his thigh to nourish and heal King Cadwallon, offering it to his sovereign instead of the game he has failed to procure. [34]
- 698~700年的饥荒是爱尔兰历史学家Cormac O'Grada所发现的本国最早的人相食记载。[35]
- 792—794欧洲地區饥荒期间出现了人相食。 [36]
- Several authors also speak of cannibalism, both the eating of the dead (necrophagy) and the murdering of people for food. The Annales Mosellanireports cannibalism in the famine of the early 790s (C.1.54), as does the Annales Xantenses in the famine of the 860s (C.1.192), and four plausibly interrelated texts report the consumption of human corpses in the midst of the famine of the mid 890s. The Annales Besuenses, Annales Augienses and Annales Colonienses stress that the hunger then drove Christians to eat Christians, as if to stress the severity of the shortage, and the Richeri gesta Senoniensis ecclesiae observes that humans were forced to eat humans (C.1.242, 248, 249, 252). In the famine of the 860s, the Annales sanctae Columbae Senonensis alsodocuments ‘men and women’ killing each other for food and a man in Pont-sur-Yonne who killed a woman, quartered her, preserved some of her flesh with salt and cooked the rest for himself and his sons (C.1.189). The Annales engolismenses too reports murdering for food in the same crisis (C.1.190), and the Annales Fuldenses tells us of a man on the verge of killing his son in the lesser shortage of 850 (C.1.149). [37]
- 锡拉库落的陷落(878年)和圣萨巴斯小圣的不幸(10世纪末) 在马其顿的巴西尔一世(867-886)统治君士坦丁堡的同时,拜占庭在西西里岛的最后据点遭到了来自撒拉逊人的反复进攻。因此,878年,在经历了长达十个月的围攻后,锡拉库落被攻破。这一事件的责任有时被归咎于皇帝反应不足,有时则被归咎于救援舰队指挥官的无能。这个事件在当地和东方的史料中留下了深刻的痕迹。为了重建事实,我们拥有一份似乎是一位被围困者的叙述的文本,这位修道士和文法学家西奥多修斯是撒拉逊人的受害者和俘虏,他在一封写给某位总主教莱昂的信中陈述了这一点。他在信中对城市的被洗劫表达了遗憾,使用了一种复杂的语言,将圣经的借用与古典的回忆交织在一起。他甚至毫不犹豫地提到了在被围困者中由可怕的饥荒引起的人吃人的行为。虽然修辞之幕不允许我们还原这篇文章的真实创作条件,但它非常情感化的语调证明了一开始所注意到的:这一事件在当地社会中留下了深刻的印记。
- 975年,巴黎饥荒期间出现了人相食。 [38]
- 1030—1033泛欧饥荒期间,有大量人相食:盗匪在公路上劫杀旅人吃、旅人半夜被收留自己的住戶殺了吃掉、小孩子们被一两个苹果拐走當成食物吃掉,在市场上卖人肉的商贩被處死後掩埋的人肉再次被饥民挖出来吃等等的出現了人相食紀錄。[39]
- 第一次十字军东征时期,因战乱饥荒,当地军民与十字军都有出现了人相食。如1098年冬季的迈阿赖努阿曼围城战。[43] 卡昂的拉多夫写道,“在迈阿赖努阿曼,我们的军队将成年的异教徒放入锅内煮;而儿童则被切碎后烤熟食用。”[44]同年的安条克围城战也有出现了人相食。有人[來源請求]认为后世传说的被十字军所不齿的食人的Tafurs同盟军并不存在,只是为了为十字军开罪而杜撰出来。
- The Chronicon Scotorum’s entry for 1116AD notes that in the wake of an attack on Thomond by Toirdhealbach Ó Conchubhair ‘Gorta mor isin errach go recad an fer a mac & a ingin ar biadh & go n-ithdís na daoine cidh a chéle ann & na coin. Fasughadh Laigen uile (acht beg) & a sgaoiledh fo Eirinn ar gorta (Great famine in the spring so that a man would sell his son and his daughter for food and men would even eat one another, and dogs. All Leinster was almost emptied, and scattered throughout Ireland on account of the famine).’[45]
- 1204年法王亨利奥古斯都进攻英王在诺曼底的Gaillard城堡时,城堡守军为了减少“无用的嘴”,把城堡内的难民分批赶出城外。围攻军队一开始允许难民通过,但法王听说后制止了这一行为,把难民赶回城堡消耗存粮,而守军也拒绝再次开门,夹在攻守两军之间荒地的难民在野狗的皮毛都吃掉了之后,难民之间孕妇分娩,婴儿瞬间就被分尸吃掉了。[47]
- 1241年蒙古入侵期间,匈牙利出现了母食其子。[49]
- 西班牙卡斯蒂利亚法规《Siete Partidas》中的一项规定,这是由卡斯蒂利亚国王阿方索十世颁布的一系列罗马和日耳曼法律,并于1256年至1265年间制定。根据这项法令,封建义务优先于亲子义务:在城堡中为领主服务的父亲,如果缺少粮食,可以选择吃掉儿子而不需征得许可,而不是无许可就放弃这个位置。由此产生的父权的扩大为任何父亲犯下相同行为提供了类似的理由,即为了自己的生存而杀死和吞食儿子:“因此,如果这可以为上帝而做,那么也可以为自己而做"。[50]
- 1279~1283年波西米亚因战争而土地抛荒,出现了母食其子的情况。[51]
- 1305年,意大利蒙特费拉的男爵、Aleramici家族的乔万尼一世病死,其私人医生被怀疑下毒,在葬礼上被男爵的家臣刺死并分食其肉以儆效尤。[52]
- 1311年,神圣罗马帝国军队围攻阿尔卑斯山南麓意大利的布雷西亚城时,布雷西亚市民靠食用帝国军队的尸体坚持守城。为了报复,帝国军队俘获了布雷西亚的领导者Tebaldo Brusado,在城外游街后斩首并分尸。憤怒的布雷西亚市民抓住皇帝的侄子並且吃掉了。 [53]
- 同一世纪的一部文学作品介于历史记忆与传说之间:在《Ecerinis》中,这是一部于1313年编写的悲剧,旨在叙述埃齐利诺三世·达·罗马诺的生活、事迹和悲惨死亡,以隐约的意图激励当代人反对当时的斯卡利格家族统治,作者阿尔贝蒂诺·穆萨托描述了特雷维索地区暴君家族的灭绝,讲述了被亵渎的尸体、在父亲眼前被活活烧死的少女和被屠杀的婴儿:一个孩子被殴打头部直到脑浆喷出,埃齐利诺的另一个年幼的侄子被一名持剑的男子割喉,其头被钉在长矛上,而另一个人咬着他仍在跳动的肝脏[5]。在随后的几个世纪中,已知的案例显著增加,由更有信誉的来源传播。[54]
- 在1315年-1317年的泛欧饥荒中,因缺少储粮,受灾荒的欧洲各国都出现了出现了人相食,有大量婴幼儿和成人被吃掉[55][56][57]。食人现象至少出现在了英国、波兰、西里西亚、利沃尼亚[58]以及食物短缺因战争而加重的爱尔兰[59]。其中布里斯托市政编年史中提到有母食子夫食子人,狱友互相生吞活剝的惨状[60]。
- War-torn Scotland in 1341AD when ‘the starving sufferers were compelled to feed on substances most abhorrent to human appetite; and one wretch called Christian Cleik, with his wife, subsisted on the flesh of children whom they caught in traps and devoured. These wretched cannibals were detected, condemned, and burned to death’.[61]
- In the twenty-third chapter of the ninth book, however, Boccaccio glosses over a well-known episode of anthropophagy that occurred during the uprising that broke out in Florence on 26 July 1343 against Walter of Brienne, Duke of Athens, sent by the House of Anjou to support the military recapture of the city.20 The riot was incited by the Adimari, Medici, Donati and Ruccellai families. With Walter barricaded inside his palace, the insurgents asked for the ‘conservative’ (‘conservatore’)Guglielmo d’Ascesi and his son to be surrendered to them in exchange for ending the siege. Thrown into the ‘hands of the angry people’ the boy was killed and torn to pieces in front of his father, who soon suffered the same fate.21 Their shredded bodies were paraded around the city on spears and the most savage people ‘ate their raw and cooked flesh’.22 This episode of anthropophagy is described in the chronicles by Giovanni Villani, a contemporary of the narrated events, and Marchionne di Coppo Stefani, who lived a generation later and was partly inspired by the work of his predecessor. Useful information can also be found in the Storie Pistoresi (Pistoia Stories).23
- 米凯勒·达·皮亚察(Michele da Piazza)的编年史叙述。我们来到1337年的杰拉奇(Geraci),这座城市被Ventimiglia家族和Chiaromonte家族争夺。由于与Palizzi家族的新争端,后者是Chiaromonte家族的盟友,并得到了新君主彼得罗二世的支持,弗朗切斯科·文蒂米利亚(Francesco Ventimiglia)被标记为叛徒,被围困在杰拉奇并被杀害 - 或者也许是在试图逃离愤怒的市民时发生的意外死亡。然后,杰拉奇的居民对他进行了虐待,割断他的手指,挖出他的眼睛,用石头击碎他的牙齿,用肉刀切割他的胡须,直到他被“从一部分分裂到另一部分”,并且,编年史家补充说,一些人“吃掉了他的肝脏”。[62]类似的事件在1368年发生在蒙特普尔恰诺。在被围困的城市内,詹姆斯·德尔·佩科拉(Giacomo del Pecora)。
- 1358年法国北部扎克雷起义期间,有女贵族在被强暴后,被迫吃下被烤熟了的丈夫的肉。[65]
- 类似的事件在1368年发生在蒙特普尔恰诺。在被围困的城市内,詹姆斯·德尔·佩科拉(Giacomo del Pecora)堡垒,是城市的暴君,也是继其兄尼科洛被赶走后的唯一的专制者。在城市的外围,叛军,得到锡耶纳的支持,迫切要求冲破城墙。在2月4日,他们进入城市,得到蒙特普尔恰诺人的支持,他们俘虏了詹姆斯。编年史家多纳托·迪·内里(Donato di Neri)叙述说,第二天“蒙特普尔恰诺的人民来到贾科莫监狱,用武力闯进去,然后用大量残暴的行为将他剁成碎片,使他比野兽更残忍,吃掉了他的肉”[12]。[66]
- 1380年,法国南部的蒙彼利埃抗税暴乱中,法王派遣的官僚被暴民分尸并食用。[67]
- 1385年9月3日,意大利北部的费拉拉发生抗税暴乱,男爵交出制定税收政策的Tommaso da Tortona以保证自己的安全,暴乱者在愤怒中将Tommaso的心脏和肝脏挖出并吃掉,尸体剩下部分悬挂在港口。[68]
- Historian Piero Camporesi (1988) tells of violent aristocratic feuds in early-modern Italy. In one case, a victim’s disembowelled heart was bitten. In a second, the narrator tells us, ‘lucky was the man who might grind the entrails between his teeth’. In a third instance, a man was tortured and killed before being disembowelled. After gnawing his intestines, his attackers proceeded to ‘cut him up into small pieces to remove his fat because he was young, being probably twenty-eight years of age, tall and slim in build’. In Camporesi’s view, the emphasis on the victim’s youth and stature betrays an intention to sell this fat to ‘pharmacologist-doctors’ who would find it ‘beneficial to all nervous ailments’. Given the trade in cannibalistic medicine, the inference looks all too plausible.[69]
- 1437年,意大利中部佩鲁贾地区Acquapendente村的一个父亲将误杀了自己儿子的牧童杀死,烹煮其肝脏宴请其父后告知是他孩子的肉,引发了两个家族之间的戰爭,一个月内死了36位男男女女。[71]
- Fioravanti heard a story that seemed to corroborate this view. An old Neapolitan called Pasquale Gibilotti told him that his father, who had been a sutler in the army of King Alfonso of Naples during the war between the Angevins and Aragon in 1456, related a similar occurance that happened during that earlier war. According to Gibilotti, because of the want of provisions, especially of meat, "sutlers on both sides at night secretly took the flesh from dead bodies, and of these they made all sorts of dishes, which they sold to the unfortunate soldiers. This lasted for a long time without ever being discovered, and because of this the country was infected with that disease." [74]
- 1476年的米兰。这是关于吉安·加莱阿佐·玛利亚·斯福尔扎(Gian Galeazzo Maria Sforza)的谋杀,他在前往Saint Stephen's Mass的途中被乔瓦尼·安德烈亚·兰普尼亚尼(Giovanni Andrea Lampugnani)和他的同谋刺伤。刺客的命运也并不更好:当他试图跑开时,他绊倒了,兰普尼亚尼跌倒在地,被公爵的侍从追上并杀死。他的尸体立即受到亵渎,被拖到他的家,悬挂在窗前,一只脚悬在窗外,然后再次被拖到城市的各个地方,直到第二天。Gabriele Fontana的编年史还补充说,“一些市民咬断了他的心脏,肝脏和手”[15]。[75]
- 在弗尔利(Forlì)也发生了类似的事件,时间是1488年,这发生在卡特琳娜·斯福尔扎(Caterina Sforza)在她的丈夫吉罗拉莫·里亚里奥(Girolamo Riario)被谋杀后对数名阴谋者进行复仇的情况下。详细叙述这一事件的是莱奥内·科贝利(Leone Cobelli),他是事件同时代的人,也是事件的直接见证者,站在弗尔利的领主一方。在成功镇压阴谋后,卡特琳娜·斯福尔扎对死者的迫害者实施了残酷的司法手段。阴谋的领导者奥尔西兄弟的父亲被捕并在子女逃亡后被杀害:将尸体捆绑在一个板上,以使头部露在外面,然后将人吊在马尾巴上拖着绕过广场三次。然后尸体被切成碎片,内脏散落在地上:科贝利观看着这场悲惨的景象,他说,一名士兵对被肢解的尸体进一步进行了残酷的折磨,拔出心脏并咬了一口[16]。
- 1494年,法军入侵意大利,在围困那不勒斯城期间,有商人将人肉卖给法军。[76]
- 在新世纪伊始,佩鲁贾(Perugia)发生了一起同样血腥的阴谋,成为新一轮食人事件的契机:这是被称为“红色婚礼”的血腥兄弟姐妹之争,发生在1500年7月14日。Pompeo Pellini提供了有关这场大屠杀的描述,他于1523年出生在佩鲁贾,是Baglioni家族的支持者。编年史家讲述了一个故事,说在Astorre Baglioni与Lavinia Colonna的婚礼上,卡尔·迪·奥多·巴廖尼(Carlo di Oddo Baglione)与他的姑父杰罗拉莫·德拉·佩纳(Girolamo della Penna)一起构思了一个灭绝所有他家族成员的残忍计划,杀死“一次所有的Guido和Ridolfo Baglioni以及他们所有的孩子”。在庆祝活动结束后,阴谋者入侵了宫殿。新婚的阿斯托雷还躺在新婚的床上,菲利普·迪·布拉奇奥(Filippo di Braccio)与他的几名追随者一起冲上去,给予阿斯托雷“死亡,他无法以任何方式自卫”。然后,菲利普·迪·布拉奇奥从死者的胸腔里拔出心脏,并狠狠地咬了一口,然后将裸体的尸体抛在街道中央[17]。
- 1500年的Acquasparta,靠近托迪,由当时的事件所记载,被归功于弗朗切斯科·马图兰齐奥(Francesco Maturanzio)。证词讲述了维特洛佐·维泰利(Vitellozzo Vitelli),一位“教会的士兵”,被教皇派去解救托迪免受Altobello di Chiaravalle和Girolamo da Canale的统治。在攻克Acquasparta城后,Altobello在试图逃跑时被拦截。在前往监狱的路上,一群愤怒的人群从警卫手中夺走了囚犯:“每个人都跑来想杀他”;屠夫的焦虑如此之大,以至于“因为急于行动,他们互相伤害”。对于这位“暴君”的尸体的食人行为如此激烈,以至于“他那可怜和贫穷的身体一点都没有剩下”[18]。
- 关于Pistoia历史中一场与前述例子有所不同的另一场争斗,据其时代的历史学家皮耶罗·瓦利恩蒂(Piero Vaglienti)的《他的时代的历史》记录,描述了这一事件,尽管他不是这些事件的直接见证者。这场争斗发生在1501年,是Panciatichi家族与Cancellieri家族之间的对抗的结果。在Serravalle躲避的Panciatichi家族受到了同族的背叛,并被撕成碎片:“有人拔出他们的心脏,用嘴咬并切成碎片”[19]。
- 亚历山大·索尼·宾恩(Alexander "Sawney" Bean)是苏格兰13~16世纪期间一个拥有48名成员家族的首领,传说其性格粗暴懒散,成年后与一名据说会巫术的女子一起在海边的一个洞穴居住,两人一起生育很多子女,子女又之间近亲乱伦,形成一个庞大的家族。整个家族依靠抢劫过往旅人、并食用被害人的尸体为生。后来因一次抢劫失败被发现,整个家族被逮捕处死。参见索尼·宾恩词条。
- In 1512 during the War of Combrai Coalition, chronicler Lapini recorded an example of the ‘endless cruelties’ that he had heard in relation to the sack of Ravenna: a poor father had confined to a cave his five unmarried daughters. Unfortunately, he died along with all those who had notice of them so that the daughters could not get out by any way and also perished. When they were found, Lapini wrote, it was discovered that they had eaten each other’s arms in desperation.
- 1514年7月21日,反抗马扎尔人统治的特兰西瓦尼亚雇佣兵首领György Dózsa被俘后受到酷刑,行刑者割下他的肉后将他的肉分给士兵、平民以及叛军的其他战俘,拒绝食用的人也被杀害食用[77]。
- 1521年,法国的Pierre Burgot和Michel Verdun因谋杀以及狼化妄想症(lycanthropy)被处死前,招供说他们在和女巫团体签订契约后变身为狼人,杀死并食用了六个婴儿。[78]
- At the sack of Rome, some were reportedly forced to consume their own genitals.[79]
- 1570年代俄罗斯在利沃尼亚战争期间,国内土地抛荒无人耕种造成饥荒,其中有不少食人的記載[80]。
- When the Spanish sacked the Dutch city of Naarden in Holland in December 1572, around a hundred citizens seeking to escape into the snowbound fields were overtaken by Spanish soldiers, stripped naked, and hung on trees to freeze to death. And it was here that the invading armies, “becoming more and more insane as the foul work went on,” were said to have “opened the veins of some of their victims, and drank their blood as if it were wine.”
- 1572年圣巴托洛缪日大屠杀后,曾在巴西调查当地食人族的Jean de Lery痛心疾首地控诉新教徒殉难者的肉在市场上被贩卖。[81][82]听说此事的蒙田认为发生在法国的食人性质更加恶劣,因为巴西人好歹是吃敌对部落,而法国是邻居甚至家人出于教派区别互相仇杀食用。[83]同期在新教徒控制的朗格多克,愤怒的新教徒将供奉在Lodeve大教堂的11世纪时殉教的天主教圣徒Fulcran的圣体用火枪打得稀烂后,把剩下部分在一次正式的宴会上吃掉了。[84]
- 1573年1月18日,法国"多勒的狼人"Gilles Garnier(英语:Gilles Garnier)因掐死四个儿童且食用他们的尸体的罪名被烧死。[85]
- 1573年法国宗教战争期间天主教军队围困胡格诺派的桑塞尔城时造成了城内饥荒,当老鼠和皮革都吃完了之后出现了食人现象,桑塞尔在居民人口仅剩下战前20%时投降。[86]Jean de Léry, ministro a Sancerre durante l’assedio del 1573, narra di aver personalmente colto un’intera famiglia con le mani in pentola, intenta a bollire il corpo della figlia deceduta per nutrirsene. In quest’occasione, abbandonato il tollerante sguardo etnologico che lo stesso autore riserva ai costumi cannibalici delle popolazioni caraibiche, Léry evoca, al pari dei suoi contemporanei, l’ira divina e i ben noti precedenti biblici di Geremia e delle Lamentazioni. Ancora Jacques-Auguste de Thou, riguardo all’indigenza che colpiva Mosca nel 1605, allude all’assedio di Gerusalemme, descrivendo l’antropofagia materna a lui più prossima come una reiterazione (letteralmente un «rinnovarsi») di quella tragedia[36].
- Frank Lestringant (1997) tells how, around 1580, a French Protestant was killed and eviscerated by Catholics. His heart was next ‘chopped in pieces, auctioned off, cooked on a grill and finally eaten with much enjoyment’.[87]
- 1585年那不勒斯一次暴动期间,有受害者在清洗内脏后被分尸挂在武器尖上,部分尸块被暴动者生吃。[90]
- The English ambassador in France recounted the crisis in 1586: Here have been with the King two deputies, one from Xaintonge and the other of Pe´rigord, who, upon their knees have humbly desired the King to make a peace and to have pity upon his poor people, whose want was such as they were forced to eat bread made of ardoise and of nut-shells, which they brought and showed to the King. They told him also that the famine was so great as a woman in Pe´rigord had already eaten two of her children and the like had been done in Xaintonge ... Many thousand there [are] already dead for hunger, and, in that extremity ... that they feed upon grass ... like horses and die with grass in their mouths.[91]
- 1589年10月31日,贝德堡的“狼人”彼得·斯顿普被控食人和巫术,在科隆被斩首。[92]
- 1590年代泛欧饥荒期间,据说在匈牙利出现了母食其子的情况。[94]
- An unidentified man (his name may have been Nicolas Damont) was burned at the stake in 1598 for the murders of 50 children in the French town of Châlons-en-Champagne after their remains were found in his home, including several partially-eaten cuts of human flesh. He admitted to having abducted, killed and eaten his victims during psychotic episodes but denied accusations by authorities that he had done so while transformed into a werewolf.[95]
- Fynes Morison wrote of war-induced famine in County Down towards the end of the Nine Years War (1592~1602): Captain Trevor and many honest gentlemen lying in the Newry can witness, that some old women of those parts used to make a fire in the fields, and divers little children driving out the cattle in cold mornings, and coming thither to warm them, were by them surprised, killed and eaten, which at last was discovered by a great girl breaking from them by strength of her body, and Captain Trevor sending out soldiers to know the truth, they found the children’s skulls and bones, and apprehended the old women, who were executed for the fact.[96]In a reversal of the ‘hags’ motif, Moryson also wrote of ‘a most horrible Spectacle of three Children (whereof the eldest was not above ten Years old,) all eating and gnawing with their Teeth the Entrails of their dead Mother, upon whose Flesh they had fed 20 Days past’. [97]
- 1603年,一个叫Jean Grenier的法国年轻人自称变成狼人时吃掉了50个在Saint-Sever地区失踪的儿童。他被判狼人罪(lucanthropy)但因为年龄而仅承受了无期徒刑。[98]
- 1617年法国权臣Concino Concini被意欲亲政的路易十三派人刺杀,其尸体部分被吃掉。[101]
- 三十年战争期间,Die Hungersnot war 1634/35 so groß, dass die Menschen nicht davor zurückschreckten, ihre toten Angehörigen zu verspeisen. Dem Bericht des katholischen Pfarrers Michael Lebhardt aus dem Dorf Agawang (Nähe Augsburg) zufolge handelte es sich bei der Anthropophagie nicht um eine Metapher, sondern um eine reale, der Verzweiflung entsprungene Überlebenspraxis, die als «Notkannibalismus» bezeichnet wurde (S 173). 另,莱茵河畔布赖萨镇于1638年被围困时,近郊方济嘉布遣会的修道院出现了人相食。同年法军在黎塞留命令下围攻德法边境的多勒时,城内亦出现了人相食。[102]同年被瑞典军队围困在Tangermund地区的神圣罗马帝国军队也出现了人相食。[103]Conditions deteriorated further after the Swedish defeat in the Battle of Nördlingen in September 1634. Imperial troops lost little time in placing Augsburg under siege. The siege lasted for almost half a year, into March 1635, and caused tremendous hardships. The poor suffered most: the chronicler Jacob Wagner tells of people who were reduced to eating animal skins, cats and dogs, and human corpses. The latter need not have been mere cliché, as gravediggers reported missing flesh from breasts and other body parts, and some citizens were seen gnawing on the bones of dead horses lying in the streets. The stench of the dead and dying hung heavily over the city. Meanwhile the Swedish garrison put relentless pressure on the local governing council, which was compelled to raise huge extraordinary contributions: the first levy alone equaled tax obligations for an entire year. Only the wealthy could be expected to meet such demands.36 1653年,一名西里西亚盗匪战后被控在11年间杀死了250人,其中一次将被害孕妇的胎儿剖出来食用。[104]
- 1627~1628年法国胡格诺派叛乱期间,黎塞留率领的天主教军队将胡格诺派据守的拉罗歇尔城围困长达13个月,有目击证人看到父母吃了自己孩子,守军分兵看守坟场以防逝者尸体被挖出来吃掉。[105]
- 1635年发生于南法Agen的船工暴乱中,据称也有人被吃掉。[106]
- In Germany in late 1636, in the village of Steinhaus, a woman allegedly lured a girl of twelve and a boy of five into her house, killed them both, and devoured them with her neighbor. In Heidelberg around this time, men were said to “have digged out of the graves dead bodies, and…eaten them,” while one woman “was found dead, having a man’s head roasted by her, and the rib of a man in her mouth.” Piero Camporesi tells of how, in Picardy during this conflict, the Jesuit G.S. Menochio saw several inhabitants so crazed with hunger that they “ate their own arms and hands and died in despair.
- Nor was the discourse purely a colonialist one. Tarlach Ó Mealláin, a Franciscan friar, kept a cín lae (diary) while on the run during the early stages of the Confederate Wars in Ulster in 1643. This was a time of widespread famine where reports of cannibalism had occurred.[107]
- There is a claim that people also resorted to cannibalism in 1652-53 Ireland, again a time of severe famine.[108]
- Elizabeth Báthory allegedly forced some of her servants to eat their own flesh in the early 17th century.[109]
- In April 1655 the Protestants of the Piedmontese valleys were massacred by Catholic troops. At first glance, reports of associated atrocities can appear mythical. Yet these stories were substantiated by a high-ranking French soldier, Monsieur du Petit Bourg. We hear of soldiers eating boiled human brains; tricking their comrades into consuming ‘tripe’ (in fact the breasts l and genitals of one of the Protestant victims); and roasting a young girl alive on a pike. In this latter case, the flesh proved too poorly roasted to eat. But the soldiers who killed ‘Daniel Cardon of Roccappiata’ readily ate his brains, after ‘frying them in a pan’; and having taken out his heart, would have fried this also, had they not been ‘frighted by some of the poor peoples’ troops . . . coming that way’.[110]
- In 1563 French settlers from Charlesfort-Santa Elena Site are reported to have resorted to cannibalism while fleeing back to Europe.
- 西班牙探险家阿尔瓦·努涅斯·卡韦萨·德·巴卡在一次航海中,遭到沉船事故,幸存船员分食死去船员的遗骸。[111]
- A party of Cossacks under Vassili Poyarkov cannibalized the corpses of Siberian aborigines they had previously killed.[115]
- 英格兰女海盗船长夏洛特·德·贝里也食人,她在几次海难中都是通过分食同伴的屍體活下來。[116]
- In 1816, the French frigate Méduse ran aground off Mauritania, and 147 passengers and crew took to sea on a hastily constructed raft. In the chaotic 13 days before they were rescued, the occupants of the raft were driven to suicide, murder, and cannibalism; only 15 men survived the experience, five of whom died soon afterwards.
- 约翰·富蘭克林於1818年首次進入北極地區,1819年至1822年間,富蘭克林帶領共20人的隊伍在加拿大西北地區沿科珀曼河進行陸上探險,因糧食不足,11人中途喪生,死於飢餓和冻伤,生還者靠地衣、樹皮維生和皮靴充飢,并开始分食罹难同伴。[119]
- The Essex was sunk by a sperm whale in the Pacific Ocean, in 1820. Most survivors of Captain Pollard's ship spent 90 days in small whaling boats before being rescued. Seven of the members who died during the 90 days were documented to have been eaten, some after they died, two others who were sacrificed for that purpose after drawing lots. One of the small boats was found containing two survivors sucking on the marrow of a human bone. The tale of the Essex inspired Herman Melville to write his novel, Moby-Dick (1851).
- In 1822, Alexander Pearce, an Irish convict, led an escape from Macquarie Harbour Penal Settlement in Van Diemen's Land. Pearce was captured near Hobart and confessed that he and the other escapees had successively killed and cannibalised members of their group over a period of weeks, he being the last survivor.[120]
- The May 27, 1826 issue of The Acadian Recorder reported that the surviving crew of the ship Francis Mary resorted to cannibalism.[123]
- In 1837, a British cruiser captured the Portuguese schooner Arrogante, which had tried to bring several hundred West African slaves to Cuba, circumventing the British blockade. More than 60 Africans had died of hunger and diseases during the crossing, and the rest was severely undernourished. Many of the survivors reported "that one of the Africans on board the Arrogante had been murdered, and that, subsequently, the sailors had cooked pieces of his body and served them with rice to the rest of the Africans."[51] Half a dozen witnesses had seen "how the Portuguese sailors took Mina behind a sail that they had put up across the deck to stop the rest of the Africans from witnessing what was about to happen." One "who had peeped through the holes in the sail ... described how they cut Mina's throat 'with a long knife'".[52] Several enslaved girls saw how "the flesh of Mina had been cut into small pieces and ... cooked in the big pot destined for the Africans." One of them added "that the sailors had also cooked the liver and heart of Mina in their own smaller pot, and then had eaten those parts themselves", and another witness confirmed this observation.[124]
- In November 1874, three British sailors survived by committing cannibalism acts in the aftermath of the Cospatrick disaster.[125]
- Another, less well-known instance of cannibalism at sea concerned the mainly Irish crew of the barque Maria of Belfast, dismasted in rough seas off the coast of west Africa in December 1876. The sole survivor, twenty year-old James McLinden of Kilkeel, explained how the last to die had attempted to survive on the bodies of comrades who predeceased them.[126]
- 1884年7月5日,英国船只木犀草号(Mignonette)在南大西洋遇难,四名生还的船员中的两人为了生存杀死并感激食用了另一名船员,英国政府认为应该将两人依谋杀罪起诉,两人被法院判处绞刑,基于当时的民意女王特赦了两人,将死刑改为监禁半年並建立了“紧急避难不能合理化谋杀行径”的法律论述。见女王诉杜德利与斯蒂芬案。
- In the 1890s, five or six young slave women and girls were butchered for a cannibal feast held in honor of the French count Rodolphe Festetics de Tolna and his crew on occasion of their visit to Malaita, one of the Solomon Islands. The count took their photo shortly before they were killed. He does not say whether he ate any of their flesh, but admits to having eaten human flesh on one or two other occasions.[127][128]
- A report dated to July 28, 1892, indicates that three people were convicted on charges of cannibalism in the Sakhalin penal colony. Two songs referencing cannibalism were also recorded among the residents of the colony.[129]
- Melchior Hedloff, or the "Melcher Shooter". Highwayman and alleged cannibal who was known for killing his victims with a rifle and then mutilating the corpses with a Turkish saber. Captured 1653 and executed in 1654 after confessing to 251 murders.[131][132]
- 1672年8月20日,法國入侵荷兰期间,奥兰治派的暴徒私刑处死了防守失利的大议长约翰·德·维特和他的弟弟科奈里斯·德·维特,并且吃掉了他们的部分遗骸[133]。凶手最后没有受到指控[134],历史学家因此推测这次事件是被他的政敌奥兰治的威廉所主导。[135]
- 1695~1697芬兰饥荒期间出现了人相食。[136]
- French showman and soldier Tarrare had reportedly engaged in cannibalism.
- Polish soldier Charles Domery ate pieces of a fellow crew member's severed leg.
- Death of Princess de Lamballe in 1792 at the hands of the sansculottes in the streets of Paris: the beautiful confidante of Marie Antoinette was butchered on the spot and allegedly her heart was taken and eaten by one rioter. One of the brigands carried on the end of a pike that head from which hung a mass of blonde hair soaked with blood. He was followed by another, who carried in his hand the bloody heart of the princess while her entrails were twisted around his arm. In this way they passed under the windows of the Duc de Penago, whom they forced to gaze on the mutilated members of his daughter-in-law. From there they proceeded to the Temple, to the royal family. The queen fainted at the horrible sight. All the carriages in the streets were stopped and their occupants compelled to kiss the head of the princess. One monster boasted of having made his dinner on the heart of Madame de Lamballe.
- 在1799年,尼古拉·菲亚尼·迪·托雷玛焦雷的肝脏在波旁王朝对那不勒斯共和国的镇压中被油炸和吃掉[21]。
- 1808年拿破仑战争期间,法军在西班牙的拜伦战役战败后,7,000名战俘被西班牙转移至无人居住的卡布雷拉岛,由于西班牙政府在战场上无法及时供应自己的军队粮食,更是无法妥善照顾囚犯。在补给船未能抵达时发生了食人事件,最终存活并返回法国的不到一半[139]。
- 1812年,拿破仑从俄罗斯撤离期间,军队中出现了同类相食和啃咬自己身体的现象。从征的波兰贵族军官Roman Sołtyk说自己曾用6法郎购买一碗用士兵的肉和肾脏做的汤。[140]法国贵族回忆说在木屋中烧死的士兵的尸体也被吃掉了[141]中队队长Eugène Labaume回忆在极寒之下,有士兵把自己的手臂切下来烤来吃。[142][143]
- A French woman named Aimée Debully was raped and murdered by Antoine Léger in 1824. Léger then ate Debully's heart and performed acts of necrophilia on the body.[144][145]
- The May 27, 1826 issue of The Acadian Recorder reported that the surviving crew of the ship Francis Mary resorted to cannibalism.[146]
- In 1837, a British cruiser captured the Portuguese schooner Arrogante, which had tried to bring several hundred West African slaves to Cuba, circumventing the British blockade. More than 60 Africans had died of hunger and diseases during the crossing, and the rest was severely undernourished. Many of the survivors reported "that one of the Africans on board the Arrogante had been murdered, and that, subsequently, the sailors had cooked pieces of his body and served them with rice to the rest of the Africans."[147] Half a dozen witnesses had seen "how the Portuguese sailors took Mina behind a sail that they had put up across the deck to stop the rest of the Africans from witnessing what was about to happen." One "who had peeped through the holes in the sail ... described how they cut Mina's throat 'with a long knife'".[148] Several enslaved girls saw how "the flesh of Mina had been cut into small pieces and ... cooked in the big pot destined for the Africans." One of them added "that the sailors had also cooked the liver and heart of Mina in their own smaller pot, and then had eaten those parts themselves", and another witness confirmed this observation.[149]
- The British colonial authorities in Jamaica decided not to press charges against any of the Portuguese sailors, mostly based on the argument that they considered the ship's captain – who was known to have directed at least six slave voyages – too "inoffensive" to be capable "of such a horrible transaction".[150] Observing that this was not the only case where accusations of "White cannibalism" by Black victims of the slave trade were dismissed, the author of the paper investigating the case concludes that, "sheltered by distance, isolation, and lawlessness while at sea, other similar instances may have indeed taken place between the sixteenth and the nineteenth centuries."[151]
- 1847年奥地利帝国治下的加利西亚地区饥荒亦出现了人相食。[154]
- Clergyman Sabine Baring-Gould, in his 1865 book The Book of Were-Wolves, Being an Account of a Terrible Superstition, recorded an 1849 case in which a vagrant named Swiatek was arrested in the Galician village of Połomia for murdering a 14-year-old girl and eating parts of her body. Swiatek also admitted to having killed and eaten five other people since 1846, although evidence was found of up to 14 victims. He claimed that he had developed a taste for human flesh three years previously after hunger obliged him to eat the body of a man killed in a tavern fire.[155]
- 1888年的连环杀手开膛手杰克也有食人[156][157]。During October 1888, during the investigation of the Whitechapel murders, George Lusk received a letter alongside half a preserved human kidney. The letter's writer claimed to be serial killer Jack the Ripper, and claimed to have fried and eaten the other half of the kidney.
- Seven-year-old Bernardo Gonzalez Parra was kidnapped and murdered by Francisco Leona and several others in June 1910, and his blood drunk by a man named Ortega as a folk cure for tuberculosis.[158]
- 卡尔·登克是一名普鲁士连环杀手和食人者,他从1903年至1924年间杀死并食用了数十名无家可归的流浪者和旅行者。他经常被视为“被遗忘的食人族”或“津比采的食人族”。在1924年12月21日作案失误被捕后,于次日在厨房中上吊自杀,警方未能讯问。[159][160][161]
- 在德国,Fritz Haarmann(也被称作“汉诺威的屠夫”)于1918年至1924年性侵并谋杀了至少24名男孩,大多为青少年。他经常在黑市出售无骨碎肉并对肉的来源给出不同甚至自相矛盾的解释。关于这是他处理受害者遗体方式的怀疑从来没有得到过证实,但也未被证伪。[162][163]
- 1921年-1922年俄罗斯大饥荒,粮食不足出现了人相食。[164]
- 1941-1944年列宁格勒围城期间出现了人相食。[165]1943年1月和2月,德国士兵在斯大林格勒战役投降后,大约10万名德国士兵被俘虏。几乎所有这些人都被送往西伯利亚或中亚的战俘营,在那里,由于吃不饱,许多军官与战俘开始出现了人相食。[166]
- 雅典被轴心国占领期间,在1941~1942年间的食物短缺期间可能发生了食人。[167]
- 1943-1945年在贝尔根-贝尔森集中营发生的食人行为加重了大屠杀的恐怖氛围。[168]
- 1946~1947年,战后刚刚移交给苏联的摩尔多瓦因管理不善发生了饥荒,尸体被大规模食用,甚至出现了以食用为目的的谋杀。[171]
- German serial killer Joachim Kroll, nicknamed "Duisburg Man-Eater", practised cannibalism from the mid-1950s until his arrest more than 20 years later.[172]
- In summer of 1963, Josef Kulík from Czechoslovakia (at that time serving compulsory military service) killed two young boys in a railway wagon. He cut their bodies open, roasted some of their internal organs on a fire, and ate them. He used some old funeral wreaths he had found near the wagon for fuel.[來源請求]
- From 1979 to 1980, Nikolai Dzhumagaliev killed at least seven women and cannibalized their corpses.[173]
- 1981年,捷克斯洛伐克连环杀手Ladislav Hojer招供层杀死一名女子并割下其乳房和阴部,并将后者用盐水煮过后配上芥末食用。他表示因为味道太underwhelming,扔掉了一部分。[174]
- 1982年3月5日,爱沙尼亚的Johannes-Andreas Hanni杀死了一名海员Eimar Vibo,将其大腿肉割下带回家,当着妻子的面烧烤后“很高兴地”吃掉了[175]。年内和妻子又杀害了另外2人,在袭击第四名受害者时被苏联当局逮捕,年底在狱中上吊自杀。
- Andrei Chikatilo, a serial killer born in Ukraine, experienced killing and cannibalism as paraphilia. He was convicted for murder in 1992 and subsequently executed.[176][177]
- Ilshat Kuzikov, of St. Petersburg, Russia, was convicted in March 1997 of eating three male acquaintances since 1992.[178]
- Between 1997 and 1998, Mikhail Malyshev murdered at least two acquaintances and cannibalized their remains at his apartment in Perm, Russia. He was sentenced to 25 years imprisonment with two years time served for these murders and multiple counts of animal cruelty, and was released in October 2022 after serving out his sentence in full.[179]
- 1998年11月21日,芬兰的撒旦教教徒Jarno Elg杀害了另一名教徒并食用了其身体的部分,被判终身监禁。
- 2001年圣诞节,德国埃森的电脑技术人员阿明·迈韦斯在互联网联系上一名自愿者Bernd Jürgen Brandes一起安排计划吃掉他。一开始他们没有想死但后来决定杀了他。[180]迈韦斯于2005年5月9日被判终身监禁。
- In July 2002, four Ukrainians were arrested in Kyiv for killing and eating a teenage girl. They were suspected of killing at least 6 people. Evidence showed that the murders may have been influenced by satanism.[181]
- On January 5, 2007, French authorities reported that a prison inmate committed cannibalism on a cellmate, in the city of Rouen.[182]
- On January 13, 2007, Marco Evaristti hosted a dinner party where the main course was agnolotti pasta that was topped with a meatball made from his own fat, removed earlier in the year in a liposuction operation.[183]
- In April 2009, two men from the city of Perm, Russia, killed and ate their brother.[187]
- On November 14, 2009, three homeless men in Perm, Russia were arrested for killing and eating the parts of a 25-year-old male victim. The remaining body parts were then sold to a local pie and kebab house.[188]
- Between 2009 and 2011, a Berlinskoe, Russia resident and serial killer Alexander Bychkov engaged in numerous acts of cannibalism, targeting people he had previously lured into his house.[189]
- In April and May 2010, PhD student Stephen Griffiths from Bradford, England killed and ate three prostitutes, becoming known as the Crossbow Cannibal.[190]
- In November 2010, Isakin Jonsson killed and decapitated his girlfriend in Skara, Sweden. With a knife, saw and ax, he separated her head from the body. He also cut off pieces of flesh from one of her arms and legs, which he carried into the kitchen to cook. He prepared them with salt and home grown cannabis leaves, and ate them. He also carried her head over to the kitchen counter and processed it with an ax and knife, possibly to eat it. Jonsson was convicted of murder and sentenced to forensic psychiatric care.
- On July 9, 2011, a model in the St. Petersburg region of Russia drowned her colleague and consumed parts of her corpse. She was later detained, found guilty of murder, and sent to a psychiatric hospital for treatment, where she was diagnosed with schizophrenia.[191]
- In August 2011, police found the body parts of various victims in serial killer Matej Čurko's refrigerator, including those of two Slovak women who disappeared in 2010.[192]
- In July 2013, the Italian cannibal Lino Renzi, aged 45, was discovered by the police whilst he was cooking some remains of his mother, Maria Pia Guariglia, aged 73, in his apartment. The police had been called by a neighbour after smelling a disgusting odor coming from Renzi's apartment, possibly caused by some intestine chunks burning on the grill. Several pieces of human body were also discovered in a freezer, oven and pots, while most of the corpse, lying in the bathroom, featured severe mutilation to arms and legs, with several intestine pieces removed. Later on, Renzi confessed that his mother had not died of natural causes, but she had been brutally beaten to death by him after a quarrel, then dismembered into pieces with a saw and a butcher knife.[193]
- On November 6, 2014, Matthew Williams, 34, was allegedly found eating his 22-year-old victim's face in a room of the Sirhowy Arms Hotel in the village of Argoed, near Blackwood, South Wales, United Kingdom.[194]
- 2018年3月,俄罗斯连环杀手Eduard Seleznev被逮捕,审讯中得知其曾杀死三人后,将尸体食用并液化骨头[196]。
- 2019年2月,马德里的Alberto Sánchez Gómez将自己的母亲杀死,切成块后除了自己吃也分给狗吃,他雖然自首后但还是被判十五年徒刑,還要向兄弟赔偿60,000欧元但是他赔不出来[198]。
- In May 2018, the Reddit user u/IncrediblyShinyShart[199] consumed his amputated foot with 10 of his friends. After an accident 2 years earlier, his foot would not heal, and the doctors suggested that he would be better if he amputated it. He subsequently asked his friends, "Remember how we always talked about how, if we ever had the chance to ethically eat human meat, would you do it?"[200]
- In spring 2023, a Spanish influencer, Paula Gonu, ate her knee cartilage in spaghetti Bolognese after the cartilage had been removed in knee surgery.[201]
- 希臘神話故事裡,克罗诺斯受到母親蓋亞的慫恿,推翻了自己父親烏拉諾斯,父親預言他也將被自己的孩子推翻,於是他的子女一出生,就被他吃掉,他的其中一个妻子拉亞騙他吞下一顆石頭讓宙斯倖免。長大後的宙斯终于推翻以克羅諾斯為首的泰坦諸神。宙斯也有吃掉敌人行为[202]。另外,后来的阿卡迪亚国王Lycaon因杀死儿子并试图让宙斯的诸神食用,被罚变身成狼。[203]阿卡迪亚另一国王Clymenus强奸其女Harpalyce并产下一子。为了报复,Harpalyce将这个男孩的肉给父亲吃了。[204]
- 索福克勒斯的戏剧《Tereus》残本中,色雷斯国王Tereus强奸了妻子Procne的姐妹Philomela并使她残疾,Procne发现后,将她自己和Tereus生的儿子Itys杀死后喂给Tereus吃[205]。Itys的尸体被斩首后切成小块下铜锅烹煮。 [206]
- 1289年,原为教皇派的贵族Ugolino della Gherardesca被指控叛国而被捕,和几个儿子一起在地牢中饿死。因但丁在神曲中的艺术加工,被认为死前吃了儿子的肉。
- 武功歌《Richard Coer de Lyon》中,描述狮心王理查在圣地征战期间染病,厨师为他准备了一个年轻的萨拉森人的肉,之后恢复健康。被部下告知是人肉后,满意笑称只要萨拉森人够吃,这次远征就不缺军粮了。攻下阿卡后,议和使节用煮过的萨拉森战俘头颅宴请萨拉丁[207]。
- Giovanni Boccaccio takes up the theme in the ninth novella of the fourth day of the Decameron, which has powerful traits in common with the Vida of William of Cabestany, although it is believed to derive from an earlier source which might have inspired both versions. Boccaccio tells of Guglielmo da Rossiglione, whose wife, Madonna Soremonda, betrays him with his dear friend Guglielmo Guardastagno. After the jealous husband discovers the affair, he kills Guardastagno and cooks his heart, serving it to the unfortunate woman who decides to end her life after learning the truth, at the end of the meal, about the macabre ingredients.6
文明人的食人焦虑和帝国的纾解策略——十八世纪初期英国文学中的食人书写 浙江大学人文学院世界文学与比较文学研究所 | 王晓雄
- 希腊医学家盖仑认为人肉,特别是年轻人的肉,是嫩而甜的。 [209]
- 中世纪时期的欧洲開始用从埃及进口的木乃伊研磨碾碎后入药[210],后来因为木乃伊供应不足,欧洲本土死刑犯的皮、肉、骨、血、脂肪和内脏也被用来仿制类似药物[211]。虽说18世纪启蒙时代期间已经被主流医学界反对,但迟至19世纪中期的维多利亚时代仍流传于民间药方中[212][213][214]。
- ↑ The caves that prove Neanderthals were cannibals.
- ↑ The edible dead. Britarch.ac.uk. [August 30, 2009]. (原始内容存档于2010-03-16).
- ↑ https://www.ancient-origins.net/ancient-places-europe/mystery-herxheim-was-entire-village-cannibalized-006760
- ↑ https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/antiquity/article/abs/mass-cannibalism-in-the-linear-pottery-culture-at-herxheim-palatinate-germany/2E337084566E8E0E8C8CBF18F1E33157
- ↑ Europe's Hypocritical History of Cannibalism. Smithsonian Magazine. 24 April 2013 [21 November 2014].
- ↑ Mead, Simon; Whitfield, Jerome; Poulter, Mark; Shah, Paresh; Uphill, James; Campbell, Tracy; Al-Dujaily, Huda; Hummerich, Holger; Beck, Jon; Mein, Charles A.; Verzilli, Claudio; Whittaker, John; Alpers, Michael P.; Collinge, John. A Novel Protective Prion Protein Variant that Colocalizes with Kuru Exposure (PDF). New England Journal of Medicine. 2009, 361 (21): 2056–65. PMID 19923577. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa0809716.
- ↑ Liberski, Pawel. Kuru: A Journey Back in Time from Papua New Guinea to the Neanderthals' Extinction. Pathogens. 2013, 2 (3): 472–505. PMC 4235695
. PMID 25437203. doi:10.3390/pathogens2030472
- ↑ McKie, Robin. Bones from a Cheddar Gorge cave show that cannibalism helped Britain's earliest settlers survive the ice age. The Guardian (London). June 20, 2010 [June 20, 2010].
- ↑ Johnston, Ian. Cannibals who once lived in Somerset cave engraved human bones as part of eating ritual, study finds. The Independent. 9 August 2017 [8 May 2023].
- ↑ Tatian. Address to the Greeks. newadvent. [2023-01-19].
- ↑
History of the Peloponnesian War. 维基文库 (英語).
- ↑ Louis Rawlings, Hannibal the Cannibal? Polybius on Barcid atrocities (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Cardiff Historical Papers, 2007/9
- ↑ 中外食人史话. 豆瓣读书. 2020-11-16 [1950-10-29].
- ↑ Peter Garnsey. Famine and Food Supply in the Graeco-Roman World. Cambridge University Press. November 2009: 35–36 [2023-01-19]. ISBN 9780511583827.
- ↑ Fernando Quesada Sanz. De guerreros a soldados. El ejército de Aníbal como un ejército cartaginés atípico (PDF). Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (西班牙语).
- ↑ Appian. The Wars in Spain, Chapter XV, Section 96 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Translated by Horace White. Hosted at the Perseus Digital Library.
- ↑ https://la.m.wikisource.org/wiki/Commentarii_de_bello_Gallico/Liber_VII#77
- ↑ Madejski, Paweł. "Breaking the Taboo: Cannibalism and Revenge in Ancient Greece and Rome (preliminary remarks)." Cvstos Fragilivm: cialo i jego potrzeby w staroźytności (2015): 121-128.
- ↑ Cass. Dio 59.29.7 Sturzius; Barret 1993, 165.
- ↑ Flavius Josephus. The Wars of the Jews, Book VI, Chapter 3, Section 4 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Translated by William Whiston. Hosted at the Perseus Digital Library.
- ↑ Maclean Rogers, Guy (2021). For the Freedom of Zion: The Great Revolt of Jews against Romans, 66–74 CE. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. pp. 3–5. ISBN 978-0-300-26256-8. OCLC 1294393934.
- ↑ Vandenberg, Vincent. "De chair et de sang."
- ↑ Lanting; Van Der Plicht (2010), "De 14C chronologie van de Nederlandse Pre- and Protohistorie VI: Romeinse tijd en Meronvingische periode, deel A: historische bronnen en chronologische thema's", Palaeohistoria, 51/52, ISBN 9789077922736
- ↑
Agricola. 维基文库 (英語).
- ↑ Cassio Dione Cocceiano, Historia Romana.LXXIV, 12.
- ↑ Schaff, Philip; Wace, Henry, eds. (1893). St. Jerome: Letters and Select Works. New York: The Christian Literature Company. p. 394 (book 2, chap. 7). Retrieved 20 July 2023. "Why should I speak of other nations when I myself, a youth on a visit to Gaul, heard that the Atticoti, a British tribe, eat human flesh, and that although they find herds of swine, and droves of large or small cattle in the woods, it is their custom to cut off the buttocks of the shepherds and the breasts of their women, and to regard them as the greatest delicacies?"
- ↑ Kneale, Matthew. Rome: A history in seven sackings. Simon & Schuster, 2019.
- ↑ Sozomeno, IV,8.
- ↑ Burgess, The Chronicle of Hydatius,83
- ↑ Famine and Food Supply in the Graeco-Roman World (Garnsey, Peter), pp32
- ↑ Eodem tempore tanta fames fuit per universum mundum, ut Dacius episcopus civitatis Mediolanesis relatione sua hoc evidenter narraverit, quod in partibus Liguriae mulieres filios suos comedissent penuria famis, quas retulit ex Ecclesiae suae fuisse familia. Liber Pontificalis. DUCHESNE, Louis. Le Liber Pontificalis, texte, introduction et commentaire, 2 vols.. Paris: E. Thorin, 1886-1892.
- ↑ pp.272, Stathakopoulos, Dionysios Ch. Famine and pestilence in the late Roman and early Byzantine empire: a systematic survey of subsistence crises and epidemics. Routledge, 2017.
- ↑
Istoria delle guerre gottiche. 维基文库 (義大利語).
- ↑ Geoffrey of Monmouth, The “Historia”, vol. V, 262–263. See Heng, Empire of Magic, 60.
- ↑ O'Grada, Cormac. "Eating people is wrong: Famine's darkest secret?." Available at SSRN 2209806 (2013):p.p. 16
- ↑ Cannibales! de Pierre-Antoine Bernheim et Guy Stavridès paru aux éditions Plon en 1992
- ↑ pp. 394, Newfield, Timothy. "The contours of disease and hunger in Carolingian and early Ottonian Europe (c. 750-c. 950)." (2011).
- ↑ Grand dictionnaire universel du XIXe siècle.... Tome 1 / par M. Pierre Larousse... | Gallica.
- ↑ Rodolphus Glaber, Historiarum Libri Quinque, ed. Neithard BuIst, trans. John France and Paul Reynolds [Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989], pp. 187-189
- ↑ Forester, Thomas. The Chronicle of Florence of Worcester, p. 174
- ↑ Kapelle, p. 3
- ↑ Rex. The English Resistance: The Underground War Against the Normans (p. 108); retrieved 30 January 2014
- ↑ Maalouf, Amin. The Crusades Through Arab Eyes. New York: Schocken Books. 1984: 37–40. ISBN 978-0-8052-0898-6.
- ↑ Hotaling 2003,第114页
- ↑ pp.17, O'Grada, Cormac. "Eating people is wrong: Famine's darkest secret?." Available at SSRN 2209806 (2013).
- ↑ Richard of Hexham, John of Worcester and John of Hexham at A.O. Anderson, Scottish Annals, p. 180.
- ↑ McGlynn, Sean. By Sword and Fire: cruelty and atrocity in Medieval Warfare. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2014.
- ↑ Classen, A. (2008). Sexuality in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times: New Approaches to a Fundamental Cultural-Historical and Literary-Anthropological Theme. Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture. De Gruyter. p. 405. ISBN 978-3-11-020940-2. Retrieved 2022-10-09
- ↑ https://hunghist.org/83-articles?start=105
- ↑ Alfonso X el Sabio, Las Siete Partidas (el Libro del Fuero de las Leyes), a cura di J. Sánchez-Arcilla Bernal, Quarta partida, Título XVII, Ley XVIII («Por que razones pueda el padre vender, o empeñar a su hijo»), Madrid, Reus, 2004, p. 659. Sul contesto nel quale furono emesse le Siete Partidas, sull’opera di traduzione, lo sforzo legislativo operato da Alfonso X di Castiglia si vedano A. Vanoli, La Spagna delle tre culture. Ebrei, cristiani e musulmani tra storia e mito, Roma, Viella, 2006, pp. 138-142; Id., La reconquista, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2009, pp. 171-173.
- ↑ http://www.kar.zcu.cz/texty/Brazdil-Kotyza2001.htm
- ↑ Montanari, Angelica Aurora. "What’s bubbling in the pot? The enemy’s torment." Cahiers de recherches médiévales et humanistes. Journal of medieval and humanistic studies 36 (2018): 339-356.: Gugliemo Ventura, De gestis civium Astensium et plurium aliorum (1260-1325), ed. C. Combetti, Torino, 1848, col. 747-748 (l. D1-6).
- ↑ Corpus Chronicorum Bononiensium (Cronaca B-Varignana), ed. A. Sorbelli, in Rerum Italicarum scriptores, Bologna, t. 18/1b, 1938, p. 320
- ↑ il fiero pasto
- ↑ Pennell, C.R. Cannibalism in Early Modern North Africa. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies. 1991, 18 (2): 169–185. JSTOR 196038. doi:10.1080/13530199108705536.
- ↑ Jones, Evan T. (编). Bristol Archives 09594/1 (PDF). Bristol Annal (Bristol Record Society). 30 September 2019. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于25 January 2021).
- ↑ Lucas, Henry S. The great European Famine of 1315, 1316, 1317. Speculum. October 1930, 5 (4): 343–377. JSTOR 2848143. doi:10.2307/2848143.
- ↑ 210. Curschmann, Hungersnöte, pp. 59–60; Lucas, “Great European Famine,” pp. 355–56. See also Diemar, Chroniken des Wigand Gerstenberg, p. 238(man ate man and dog ate dog), as cited in Jordan, William Chester. The great famine: Northern Europe in the early fourteenth century. Princeton University Press, 1997.
- ↑ pp.17, O'Grada, Cormac. "Eating people is wrong: Famine's darkest secret?." Available at SSRN 2209806 (2013).
- ↑ Jones, Evan T. (编). Bristol Archives 09594/1 (PDF). Bristol Annal (Bristol Record Society). 30 September 2019. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于25 January 2021).
- ↑ Stathakopoulos, Famine and Pestilence; Sir Walter Scott, History of Scotland, vol. 1, ch. 13, as cited in O'Grada, Cormac. "Eating people is wrong: Famine's darkest secret?." Available at SSRN 2209806 (2013).
- ↑ Michele da Piazza, Cronaca 1336-1361, a cura di A. Giuffrida, Palermo-São Paulo, Renzo Mazzone Editore-Italo-Latino-Americana Palma, 1980, cap. IX, p. 59.
- ↑ Sumption, Jonathan (1990). Trial by Battle. The Hundred Years' War. Vol. I. London: Faber and Faber. ISBN 978-0571200955. pp.576~577
- ↑ Tuchman, Barbara W. A distant mirror: The calamitous 14th century. Random House, 2011.
- ↑ Seward, Desmond. The Hundred Years War: The English in France 1337-1453. Penguin, 1999.
- ↑ il fiero pasto
- ↑ Ladurie, Emmanuel Le Roy. The peasants of Languedoc. Vol. 635. No. 6. University of Illinois Press, 1976. pp.197
- ↑ Chronicon Estense, ed. L. A. Muratori, in Rerum Italicarum Scriptores, Milan, t. 15, 1929, coll. 297-548, at col. 510 b-c; Sagacius et Petrus de Gazata, Chronicon Regiense, ed. L. A. Muratori, in Rerum Italicarum Scriptores, Milan, t. 18, 1931, col. 5-98, at col. 91. The Chronicon Estense and the Chronicon Regiense are the only two sources to report the act of anthropophagy, but useful and interesting information on the episode is also found in other testimonies: Corpus Chronicorum Bononiensium, p. 374; Conforto da Costoza, Frammenti di storia vicentina, ed. C. Steiner, in Rerum Italicarum scriptores, Città di Castello, t. 13/1, p. 32-33; G. Gatari e B. Gatari, Cronaca carrarese, ed. A. Medin and G. Tolomei, in Rerum Italicarum scriptores, Bologna, t. 17/1, 1931, p. 237. See J. E. Law, “Popular unrest in Ferrara in 1385”, The Renaissance in Ferrara and Its European Horizons, ed. J. Salmons and W. Moretti, Cardiff-Ravenna, University of Wales Press-Edizioni del Girasole, 1984, p. 41-60.
- ↑ https://www.historytoday.com/archive/eating-your-enemy
- ↑ McGlynn, Sean. By Sword and Fire: cruelty and atrocity in Medieval Warfare. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2014.
- ↑ Graziani, Chronica di Perugia (Arch. stor. XVI, I, p. 415)
- ↑ Tuchman, Barbara W. A distant mirror: The calamitous 14th century. Random House, 2011.
- ↑ Chronique de Enguerrand de Monstrelet des éditions Louis Douët d'Arcq (dernier tome)
- ↑ Capricci Medicinali, 50v
- ↑ pp. 117, Torraca, Luigi. 1949-50. ‘A proposito di un recente episodio di antropofagia”, Atti della Accademia Pontaniana, nuova serie, 3,
- ↑ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11620327/, will amend later
- ↑ Barabási, Albert-László. Bursts
First. New York, United States: Penguin Group. 2010: 263–266. ISBN 978-0-525-95160-5.
- ↑ Leslie A. Sconduto, Metamorphoses of the Werewolf - A Literary Study from Antiquity Through the Renaissance, McFarland · 2014, page 137
- ↑ Guicciardini, ‘Sacco’, 225, 239.
- ↑ Turchin, Peter; Nefedov, Sergey A. (2009). Secular Cycles. ISBN 9780691136967.
- ↑ Vandenberg, Vincent. "De chair et de sang." Images et pratiques du cannibalisme de l’Antiquité au Moyen Âge. Rennes, France: Presses universitaires de Rennes. Presses universitaires François-Rabelais de Tours (2014).
- ↑ Roberts, Penny (2015). "Riot and Religion in Sixteenth-Century France". In Davis, Michael T. (ed.). Crowd Actions in Britain and France from the Middle Ages to the Modern World (illustrated ed.). Springer. pp. 35–36. ISBN 1137316519.
- ↑ pp.196, LaGuardia, David P., and Cathy Yandell, eds. Memory and Community in Sixteenth-Century France. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 2015.
- ↑ pp.398 Le Roy Ladurie, Emmanuel. 1966. Les paysans de Languedoc, Paris
- ↑ Brad Steiger (1 September 2011). The Werewolf Book: The Encyclopedia of Shape-Shifting Beings. Visible Ink Press. pp. 118–. ISBN 978-1-57859-367-5.
- ↑ Jean de Léry, The Memorable History of the Siege of Sancerre (1574)
- ↑ https://www.historytoday.com/archive/eating-your-enemy
- ↑ Examples of such pamphlets and ballads are listed in Weller (1872), for example item 481: Hock (1577) (in this pamphlet, the gang is said to have been responsible for 540 murders up to 1577), item 548: Müller, 1 (1582), item 566: Müller,2 (1582), item 570: Basel (1582), item 587: Strassburg (1583). It is only in the last one, according to Joy Wiltenburg, that the Devil makes an explicit pact with Niers and his accomplices, and promises them supernatural powers to be gained by the use of fetuses in black magic rituals.
- ↑ https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=SAXvt1_0KL4C&pg=PT81&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false pp.81
- ↑ Gonthier N., Cris de haine et rites d'unite. La violence dans la villes, 13~16 siecle, Turnhout, 1992, p141~147
- ↑ Quoted in Greengrass, ‘The Later Wars of Religion in the French Midi’, p. 117.
- ↑ Orenstein, Catherine (2002) Little Red Riding Hood Uncloaked: Sex, Morality, and the Evolution of a Fairy Tale. New York: Basic Books. p. 91, ISBN 0-465-04125-6
- ↑ Ernest Laut, « Civilisés anthropophages », Le Petit Journal Illustré, 1910
- ↑ https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=8Eu2BQAAQBAJ&lpg=PT21&ots=aRUS64RYKX&dq="ate their own Children" -Soviet -China "Hungary" -Indian -Africa -America -Samaria -1315 -jew&pg=PT21#v=onepage&q="ate their own Children" -Soviet "Hungary" -Indian -Africa -America -Samaria -1315 -jew&f=false
- ↑ https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2019/06/the-grim-story-of-the-werewolf-of-chalons/
- ↑ Fynes Moryson, widely cited, e.g. in Dennis Taaffe, An Impartial History from the Period of the English Invasion to 1810 (Dublin: Christie), vol. 2, pp. 100-101; also Wittkovsky 1943: 92-3. See too Quinn, The Elizabethans and the Irish, pp. 139-40, as cited in pp.18, O'Grada, Cormac. "Eating people is wrong: Famine's darkest secret?." Available at SSRN 2209806 (2013).
- ↑ Wittkowsky 1943: 93, as cited in pp.19, O'Grada, Cormac. "Eating people is wrong: Famine's darkest secret?." Available at SSRN 2209806 (2013).
- ↑ https://historycollection.com/12-real-werewolf-cases-throughout-history/8/
- ↑ pp.197, Ladurie, Emmanuel Le Roy. The peasants of Languedoc. Vol. 635. No. 6. University of Illinois Press, 1976.
- ↑ W Bruce Lincoln, The Conquest of a Continent, p. 65, citing Akheograficheskaya Kommissia,Dopolneniia k Aktam Istoricheskim, St Petersburg 1846–72, III, document 12, pp. 52–60.
- ↑ pp. 217, Pauw, Cornelius de. 1770. Recherches philosophiques sur les américains, Berlin
- ↑ « Enfin on en vint à la chair humaine, premièrement dans l'armée où les soldats étant occis servaient de pâture aux autres qui coupaient les parties les plus charnues des corps morts pour bouillir ou rôtir et hors du camp faisaient picorée de chair humaine pour manger. On découvrit dans les villages des meurtres d'enfants faits par leurs mères pour se garder de mourir et des frères par leurs frères et la face des villes était partout la face de la mort.. »— Jean Girardot de Nozeroy, Histoire de Dix ans de la Franche Comté de Bourgogne, Besançon, J. Chrestin / impr. d'Outhenin-Chalandre, 1651 (réimpr. 1843).
- ↑ https://www.gutenberg.org/files/2103/2103-h/2103-h.htm
- ↑ p.p. 121, The Thirty Years War and the Conflict for European Hegemony, 1600–1660, Arnold, London 1966
- ↑ Mém. de Fontenay Mareuil, vol. ii. p. 119.
- ↑ pp.197, Ladurie, Emmanuel Le Roy. The peasants of Languedoc. Vol. 635. No. 6. University of Illinois Press, 1976.
- ↑ pp.19, O'Grada, Cormac. "Eating people is wrong: Famine's darkest secret?." Available at SSRN 2209806 (2013).
- ↑ pp.21, O'Grada, Cormac. "Eating people is wrong: Famine's darkest secret?." Available at SSRN 2209806 (2013).
- ↑ Adams, Cecil. Did Dracula really exist?. The Straight Dope. 21 February 1986 [18 July 2023] (英语).
- ↑ Samuel Clarke, A General Martyrology (1660), 420, 421–2, 423–4, 425.
- ↑ W. W. Newcomb, Jr.,The Indians of Texas: From Prehistoric to Modern Times Austin: University of Texas Press, 1999, p. 77
- ↑ 'Proof' Jamestown settlers turned to cannibalism.
- ↑ Skull proves settlers resorted to cannibalism.
- ↑ M., Kelso, William (2017). Jamestown, the truth revealed. Charlottesville. ISBN 9780813939933. OCLC 964303596.
- ↑ W Bruce Lincoln, The Conquest of a Continent, p. 65, citing Akheograficheskaya Kommissia,Dopolneniia k Aktam Istoricheskim, St Petersburg 1846–72, III, document 12, pp. 52–60.
- ↑ Zuidhoek, Arne. A-Z Pirate Encyclopedia: Deprived of God & Country. Utrecht: Uitgeverij Julius de Goede BV. 2015 [29 September 2017]. (原始内容存档于2020-06-12) (英语).
- ↑ Template:Cite ODNB
- ↑ The Luxborough Galley on fire, 25 June 1727 (BHC2389). Paintings: description. National Maritime Museum. [17 December 2010]. (原始内容存档于2011-08-28).
- ↑ Topic: John Franklin’s early North-West Passage expeditions 1819–27. [2016-05-27]. (原始内容存档于2016-06-17).
- ↑ Collins, Paul (October 29, 2002). "A journey through hell's gate". The Age. Retrieved August 1, 2012.
- ↑ Colonial Times, 6 January 1826
- ↑ Hobart Town Gazette, 29 April 1826
- ↑ "Article about the Francis Mary". The Acadian Recorder. May 27, 1826.
- ↑ Barcia, Manuel (22 July 2021). "White Cannibalism in the Illegal Slave Trade: The Peculiar Case of the Portuguese Schooner Arrogante in 1837". New West Indian Guide / Nieuwe West-Indische Gids. 96 (1–2): 2–3. doi:10.1163/22134360-bja10002.
- ↑ http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/north_west/3129629.stm
- ↑ Irish Times, ‘Horrible story of cannibalism at sea’, 3 Mar 1877. See also Irish Times, ‘A terrible story of the sea. Shipwreck and cannibalism’, 19 November 18888; Irish Times, ‘Shocking story of cannibalism at sea’, 9 September 1899., as cited in O'Grada, Cormac. "Eating people is wrong: Famine's darkest secret?." Available at SSRN 2209806 (2013).
- ↑ Festetics de Tolna, Rodolphe (1903). Chez les cannibales: Huit ans de croisière dans l'Océan Pacifique à bord du yacht "le Tolna" (in French). Paris: Plon-Nourrit. pp. 306–308.
- ↑ Siefkes 2022, pp. 242–243.
- ↑ Новодворский В., Дорошевич В. Коронка в пиках до валета. Каторга.. – СПб.: Санта, 1994. – 20 000 экз. ISBN 5-87243-010-8
- ↑ https://www.rp.pl/historia/art1411331-potop-szwedzki-inwazja-barbarzyncow-na-polske
- ↑ https://blog.lib.utah.edu/book-of-the-week-melchior-hedloff/
- ↑ https://geekweek.interia.pl/historia/news-melchior-hedloff-najwiekszy-polski-kanibal,nId,1677806
- ↑ Template:Aut (1794) Vaderlandsch woordenboek; oorspronkelijk verzameld door Jacobus Kok. Deel 32, p. 352; Template:Aut (1884) Historische studien: Uitg. door J.D. Veegens. Eerste Deel, p. 48; the first name of Verhoeff was Hendrick according to Template:Aut (1901) Robert Fruin's verspreide geschriften, p. 374, note 2
- ↑ Byrne, Eugene. "Is it true that an angry mob of Dutchmen killed and ate their own prime minister in 1672?". HistoryExtra
- ↑ Rowen, H. H. (1977). John de Witt: grand pensionary of Holland, 1625–1672. Princeton University Press. ISBN 9780691052472.
- ↑ Jutikkala, E. (1955) 'The Great Finnish Famine in 1696-97', Scand. Econ. Hist. Rev.3: 47-63.
- ↑ Maxwell vol ii, p284
- ↑ James Douglas (Earl of Drumlanrig). The Gazetteer for Scotland. [2006-09-13]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-17).
- ↑ Oman, Sir Charles William Chadwick (1908). A History of the Peninsular War: Sep. 1809 – Dec. 1810. Vol. III. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Retrieved 13 May 2021.pp. 321~323
- ↑ [1] Napoléon et la campagne de Russie: 1812 de Jacques-Olivier Boudon.
- ↑ [2] Histoire de Napoléon et de la grande-armée pendant l'année 1812 ..., Volume 2 page 366
- ↑ Eugène Labaume, Relation circonstanciée de la Campagne de Russie en 1812, éditions Panckoucke-Magimel, 1815, Template:P.
- ↑ [3] Campagne de Russie, 1812 d'après le journal illustré d'un témoin oculaire de G. de Faber du Faur, Dayot page 16.
- ↑ https://www.leparisien.fr/essonne-91/cerny-91590/le-cannibale-de-cerny-06-07-2011-1521781.php
- ↑ https://web.archive.org/web/20160303180700/http://www.lepetitjournal.net/011016-265971-Antoine-Leger-Assassin-et-cannibale.html
- ↑ "Article about the Francis Mary". The Acadian Recorder. May 27, 1826.
- ↑ Barcia, Manuel. White Cannibalism in the Illegal Slave Trade: The Peculiar Case of the Portuguese Schooner Arrogante in 1837. New West Indian Guide / Nieuwe West-Indische Gids. 22 July 2021, 96 (1–2): 2–3. S2CID 237730603. doi:10.1163/22134360-bja10002.
- ↑ Barcia 2021, p. 13.
- ↑ Barcia 2021, pp. 14–15.
- ↑ Barcia 2021, pp. 17–18, 22.
- ↑ Barcia 2021, p. 7.
- ↑ An Intellectual History of Cannibalism. Philosophy. 2020-11-16 [1950-10-29]. (原始内容存档于2020-12-01).
- ↑ pp.22, Kinealy, Christine, Jason King, and Gerard Moran, eds. The history of the Irish famine. Routledge, 2020.
- ↑ https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=g7Nwn-WzLC4C&pg=PA26&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false
- ↑ Sabine Baring-Gould (1865). The Book of Were-Wolves, Being an Account of a Terrible Superstition. Smith, Elder and Co. ISBN 9781470926168.
- ↑ Edwards, Russell. Jack the Ripper unmasked. Daily Mail. [2014年9月7日]. (原始内容存档于2014年9月8日).
- ↑ Has Jack the Ripper's identity really been revealed using DNA evidence?. 獨立報. 2014年9月7日 [2021年1月5日]. (原始内容存档于2020年7月12日).
- ↑ Jiménez Elizari, Iker (April 6, 2006). "Jáncanas y brujas: Señoras de la magia". El paraíso maldito. EDAF. p. 199. ISBN 9788441417724.
- ↑ Lutteroth, Johanna. Der Menschenfresser von Münsterberg. Der Spiegel. April 8, 2014 [November 20, 2022].
- ↑ Fuhrer, Armin. "Papa Denke" - der beliebte Nachbar war ein Serienkiller und Kannibale. Focus. September 3, 2017 [November 20, 2022].
- ↑ Voss, Jens. „Papa Denke“: Der Menschenfresser von Münsterberg. National Geographic Deutschland. June 15, 2022 [November 20, 2022].
- ↑ Theodor, Lessing (1993). Monsters of Weimar. Nemesis. pp. 54, 60, 81. ISBN 1-897743-10-6.
- ↑ Fritz Haarmann - Wikipedia
- ↑ Francis Haller, Secours en temps de paix - la famine en Russie - CICR, Le Temps (published by ICRC), 12 August 2003 [14 March 2019], (原始内容存档于2019-05-13) (法语)
- ↑ Vulliamy, Ed. Orchestral manoeuvres (part one). The Guardian (London). November 25, 2001 [July 27, 2007]. (原始内容存档于2007-11-09).
- ↑ Beevor, Antony. Stalingrad: The Fateful Siege. Penguin Books. 1999.
- ↑ pp. 10, O'Grada, Cormac. "Eating people is wrong: Famine's darkest secret?." Available at SSRN 2209806 (2013).
- ↑ The Guardian, 19 April 1945, Cannibalism in Prison Camp: British Medical Officer's Visit to ‘Most Horrible Place’; Toronto Daily Star, 27 September 1945,‘Says cannibalism rampant at Belsen, saw 300 cases’; Daytona Beach Morning Journal, 29 September 1945, ‘Cannibalism at Belsen described', as cited in O'Grada, Cormac. "Eating people is wrong: Famine's darkest secret?." Available at SSRN 2209806 (2013).
- ↑ 引用错误:
的ref(参考)提供文本 - ↑ Jacobs, Steven L. Confronting Genocide: Judaism, Christianity, Islam. Lexington Books. 2009: 160. ISBN 9780739135891.
- ↑ O'Grada, Cormac. "Eating people is wrong: Famine's darkest secret?." Available at SSRN 2209806 (2013).p.p.5
- ↑ Dunning, John (1992). Strange Deaths. Mulberry Editions. pp. 218–219. ISBN 1-873123-13-2.
- ↑ http://www.trutv.com/library/crime/blog/2012/05/17/modern-cannibalism-six-killers-with-a-taste-for-human-flesh/index.html
- ↑ http://kriminalistika.eu/muzeumzla/hojer/hojer.html
- ↑ Eesti Ekspress Nõukogude Eesti kannibal 13 March 2008. Retrieved 29 August 2018
- ↑ Vronsky, P. (2004). Serial Killers – The Method and Madness of Monsters. New York: The Berkley Publishing Group.
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- ↑ Svizeva, Veronika (November 9, 2022). "«Страшно поздно возвращаться с работы». В Перми на свободу вышел людоед — он поселился в своем старом доме" ["It's scary to come home from work late at night". In Perm, the cannibal was released – he settled in his old house]. 59.ru (in Russian). Archived from the original on May 16, 2023.
- ↑ Svizeva, Veronika (November 9, 2022). "«Страшно поздно возвращаться с работы». В Перми на свободу вышел людоед — он поселился в своем старом доме" ["It's scary to come home from work late at night". In Perm, the cannibal was released – he settled in his old house]. 59.ru (in Russian). Archived from the original on May 16, 2023.
- ↑ https://www.welt.de/print-welt/article289752/Armin-Meiwes-ist-der-Kannibale-von-Rotenburg.html
- ↑ "'Cannibals' arrested in Ukraine". TheGuardian.com. 17 July 2002.
- ↑ http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/6234097.stm
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- ↑ http://www.themoscowtimes.com/news/article/3-suspected-of-cannibalism/389513.html
- ↑ http://www.mk.ru/incident/2012/03/29/687104-zverinyiy-oskal-kannibalizma.html
- ↑ https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/8216545/Crossbow-cannibal-jailed-for-wicked-and-monstrous-prostitute-murders.html
- ↑ http://www.newizv.ru/lenta/2013-03-15/179367-osuzhdena-devushka-kotoraja-utopila-svoju-podrugu-i-pytalas-ee-sest.html
- ↑ http://www.corriere.it/english/11_agosto_02/cannibal-victims_fa52f944-bcf3-11e0-b530-d2ad6f731cf9.shtml
- ↑ http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/italian-man-suspected-eat-dead-mother-article-1.1407404
- ↑ https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/11216803/Family-of-cannibal-Matthew-Williams-pay-tribute-to-victim-Cerys-Yemm.html
- ↑ Hjelmgaard, Kim. Russian 'cannibal couple' confess to eating 30 people, sold 'meat pieces' at army base, police say. USA Today. September 27, 2017 [November 7, 2017].
- ↑ In Arkhangelsk, a man-eater who killed three people was sentenced to life imprisonment. region29.ru. March 16, 2020 (Russian).
- ↑ Father-son cannibal tag team behead, eat former police officer: Cops. Canoe. 2018-10-31 [2018-11-11] (美国英语).
- ↑ Spanish man jailed for killing and eating his mother. BBC News. June 16, 2021.
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- ↑ https://www.britannica.com/topic/Lycaon-Greek-mythology
- ↑ Hyginus, Fabulae 206, 238, 239, 246. A different version is given by Parthenius of Nicaea (XIII; based on Euphorion and Dectadas).
- ↑ Hyginus, Fabulae 239, 246; Burnett 1998, 182.
- ↑ Ov., Met. 6.644-646 Anderson.
- ↑ Richard Coer de Lyon | Robbins Library Digital Projects.
- ↑ https://www.gutenberg.org/files/1080/1080-h/1080-h.htm
- ↑ De alimentarum facultatibus 3.2.1 Kuhn
- ↑ Medieval Doctors and Their Patients. mummytombs.com. [December 3, 2007]. (原始内容存档于November 29, 2007).
- ↑ Europe’s Hypocritical History of Cannibalism | History | Smithsonian Magazine.
- ↑ Sugg, Richard. Mummies, cannibals and vampires: the history of corpse medicine from the Renaissance to the Victorians. Routledge, 2015.
- ↑ Noble, Louise. Medicinal cannibalism in early modern English literature and culture. Springer, 2011.
- ↑ Price, Merrall L. Consuming passions: The uses of cannibalism in late medieval and early modern Europe. Routledge, 2004.
- ↑ Bellucci, Giuseppe. La placenta nelle tradizioni italiane e nell'etnografia. Archivio per l'Antropologia e la Etnologia. 1910, 15 (3–4).
- ↑ Ploss, H., Bartels, M. & Bartels, P. (1927): Das Weib in der Natur- und Völkerkunde, Bd. 2; hrsg. von F. v. Reitzenstein. - Neufeld & Henius Verlag, Berlin, S. 844