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git push <remote_url> :<tagname>
$ git push origin :RFGridView_0.1.0 To git@github.com:BB9z/RFUI.git - [deleted] RFGridView_0.1.0
可使用 git ls-remote 查看变化。
- Script to delete all tags both locally and remotely https://gist.github.com/matthewmccullough/898798
git submodule foreach --recursive git submodule init git submodule foreach --recursive git submodule update
- 怎么把 git 中有嵌套关系的 submodule 一次全部更新? http://www.v2ex.com/t/66107
比如要抛弃tag A以前的历史
- 首先要从A创建一个目录树,命令示例:
$ echo "从A重建" | git commit-tree A^{tree}
- 将A以后的分支变基到该跟提交上,示例:
$ git rebase --onto 1234567 A master
- https://github.com/tiimgreen/github-cheat-sheet
- Introducing the Command Bar - The GitHub Blog,Command Bar使用
- Search Syntax Improvements - The GitHub Blog,使用加强的搜索语法。
- Task Lists in GFM: Issues/Pulls, Comments - The GitHub Blog,用“[ ]”和“[x]”创建todo list
- http://octodex.github.com/ - <3
- Using Jekyll Plugins with GitHub Pages,支持的插件
- Using Jekyll with Pages,你可以在本机模拟 push 到 GitHub 后的效果
- Repository metadata on GitHub Pages
- 如何高效利用GitHub by 阳志平
- A successful Git branching model
- 图解Git
- http://www.slideshare.net/ihower/git-tutorial-13695342 —— 一份git教学幻灯片
- Git config for mutiply SSH keys
- What are your favorite git features or tricks? - Stack Overflow
- http://blogs.atlassian.com/2013/05/git-tig/ —— 该博文介绍了一种 git 的终端可视化增强工具, https://github.com/jonas/tig
- Git Magic中文版
- http://git-scm.com/book/zh —— Pro Git 中文版
- Learn Git Branching http://pcottle.github.com/learnGitBranching/
- http://try.github.com —— git仿真终端入门教学