





  1. 【韋柏《農學淺說》】Henry J. Webb, Elementary Agriculture, London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1892.、農業基礎、
  2. 【丹那《農學淺說》】H. Tanner, Elementary Lessons in the Science of Agricultural Practice.、農業實踐基礎課程、
  3. 【荷哷、乃德《代數術》】Henry Sinclair Hall & Samuel Ratcliffe Knight, Higher Algebra. A Sequel to Elementary Algebra for Schools.、
  4. 【荷哷、乃德《代數初階》】Henry Sinclair Hall & Samuel Ratcliffe Knight, Elementary Algebra for Schools.、
  5. 【韓布林斯密《代數》】James Hamblin Smith, Elementary Algebra.、
  6. 【洛克思《布算淺說》】John Bascombe Lock, Arithmetic.、算術、
  7. 【洛克思《布算》】John Bascombe Lock, Arithmeitic for Schools.、
  8. 【布魯克斯密《布算》】J. Brook-Smith, Arithmetic in Theory and Practice, London: Macmillan & Co., Limited,1901.、算術理論與實踐、
  9. 【韓布林斯密《布算》】James Hamblin Smith, Arithmetic.、
  10. 【洛契爾《天文分課》】Sir Norman Lockyer, Elementary Lessons in Astronomy.、天文學基礎課程、
  11. 【普洛脫爾《星圖》】Richard Anthony Proctor, A New Star Atlas for the Library, the School, and the Observatory.、新星圖、
  12. 【妥安敦《帳法》】J. Thornton & S. W. Thornton, Bookkeeping for Business Men.、商務人員簿記學、
  13. 【愛得蒙《植物學》】Henry Edmonds, Elementary Botany, Theoretical and Practical.、
  14. 【倭立華《植物學》】Daniel Oliver, Lessons in Elementary Botany.、
  15. 【葉肎《植物學》】Edith Aitken, Elementary Text-Book of Botany.、
  16. 【營門思《營造》】Rivington's Course of Building Construction, 4 vols.、建築學課程、
  17. 【魯士戈《化學》】Henry E. Roscoe, Lessons in Elementary Chemistry.、
  18. 【林蒙森《化學》】Ira Remsen, The Elements of Chemistry.、
  19. 【洛克思《動力學》】John Bascombe Lock, Dynamics for Beginners.、
  20. 【崙尼《静力学》】Sidney Luxton Loney, The Elements of Statics.、
  21. 【霍什特《計學啟蒙》】Millicent Garrett Fawcett, Political Economy for Beginners.、初等政治經濟學、
  22. 【普押斜《電慈學》】Arthur William Poyser, Magnetism and Electricity.、磁與電、
  23. 【普押斜《電磁學高等》】Arthur William Poyser, Advanced Electricity and Magnetism.、高等電磁學、
  24. 【湯孫《慈學》】Silvanus Phillips Thompson, Elementary Lessons in Electricity and Magnetism.、電磁學基礎、
  25. 【可安倭律《文規》】James Cornwell, An English School Grammar.、英語語法、
  26. 【賀律《文規》】(待考)
  27. 【邁克爾宗《英文論》】John Miller Dow Meiklejohn, The English Language: its Grammar, History, and Literature.、英語:語法、歷史與文學、
  28. 【斯密特《英文論》】Sir William Smith, A School Manual of English Grammar.、
  29. 【和碩特《英國史》】(待考)
  30. 【布來脫《英史分期》】James Franck Bright, A History of England, 4 vols.、英格蘭史、
  31. 【戛的涅《英史》】Samuel Rawson Gardiner, Student's History of England from the Earliest Times to 1885, London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1900. 、英國史、
  32. 【休蒙大闢《英史》】David Hume, A History of England from the Earliest Times to the Revolution in 1688. Based on the History of David Hume. 、Incorporating the Corrections and Researches of Recent Historians: Continued to the Treaty of Berlin in 1878, revised and corrected by J. S. Brewer, London: John Murray, 1895. 、
  33. 【桑得臣《英天下》】Edgar Sanderson, History of England and the British Empire, A Record of Constitutional, Naval, Military, Political and Literary Events from B.C. 55 to A.D. 1890, London: Frederick Warne and Co., 1893.、大英帝國、
  34. 【果理耶《英文詞》】(待考)
  35. 【美野哷《幼稚園課》】(待考)
  36. 【《國學理竇》】(待考)
  37. 【《地輿理竇》】(待考)
  38. 【荷羅《形學》】(待考)
  39. 【韋理生《形學》】(待考)
  40. 【福履門《歐史略》】Edward Augustus Freeman, The Chief Periods of European History.、歐洲歷史的主要時期、
  41. 【師圖登《今世史》】Richard Lodge, The Student's Modern Europe.A History of Modern Europe, from the Capture of Constantinople, 1453, to the Treaty of Berlin, 1878, London: John Murray, 1900.、現代史、
  42. 【師圖登《今法史》】W.H.Jervis, The Student's Modern France. A History of France from the Earliest Times to the Fall of the Second Empire in 1870, London: John Murray, 1898.、法國近代史、
  43. 【馬監《法史》】Mrs. Markham, A History of France, from the Conquest of Gaul by Julius Caesar Continued to the Year 1878, London: John Murray, 1888.、法國史、
  44. 【戚休龍《輿地》】George Goudie Chisholm, Longmans' School Geography.、地理學、
  45. 【克來得《輿地》】(待考)
  46. 【可安倭律《輿地》】James Cornwell, Geography for Beginners、或A School Geography、
  47. 【休思《輿地》】William Hughes, Outlines of Geography.、
  48. 【邁克爾宗《輿地》】John Miller Dow Meiklejohn, A New Geography on the Comparative Method.、
  49. 【白爾德《地質學》】Charles Bird, Elementary Geology.、
  50. 【佑格思《地質學課本》】Alfred John Jukes-Browne, The Student's Handbook of Stratigraphical Geology.、
  51. 【瓦特思《地質學初級》】(待考)
  52. 【幾凱《地文學》】Sir Archibald Geikie, Text-Book of Geology.、地質課本、
  53. 【約翰士敦《輿地》】Keith Johnston, A Physical, Historical, Political, & Descriptive Geography, London: Edward Stanford, 1896.、描述地理、
  54. 【馬克突厥《輿地》】(待考)
  55. 【馬監《德史》】Mrs. Markham, A History of Germany, from its Invasion by Marius down to the Completion of Cologne Cathedral in the Year 1880, London: John Murray, 1882.、德國史、
  56. 【斯圖登《希臘古史》】 Sir William Smith, The Student's Greece. A History of Greece. 、希臘史、
  57. 【布魯爾《希臘古史》】Ebenezer Cobham Brewer, A Guide to Grecian History.、希臘歷史指南、
  58. 【古靈希略《微積術》】George Greenhill, Differential and Integral Calculus.、
  59. 【牛休蒙《衛生學》】(待考)
  60. 【訥特、費耳得《衛生學》】James Lane Notter & Robert Hammill Firth, Hygiene.、
  61. 【訥特、費耳得《居室衛生》】James Lane Notter & Robert Hammill Firth, Practical Domestic Hygiene.、實用家庭衛生、
  62. 【科沁《科學拾級》】(待考)
  63. 【布魯爾《科學拾級》】Ebenezer Cobham Brewer, A Guide to Science.、科學指南、
  64. 【馬格那《歷史問答》】(待考)
  65. 【斯密《辣丁拾級》】Sir William Smith, Principia latina.—Part I: A First Latin Course, Comprehending Grammar, Delectus, and Exercise-book, with Vocabularies, London: John Murray, 1901.、第一門拉丁語課程、
  66. 【耶方思《名學邇言》】William Stanley Jevons, Elementary Lessons in Logic. Deductive and Inductive.、邏輯基礎課程、
  67. 【崙尼《力学水学》】Sidney Luxton Loney, Mechanics and Hydrostatics for Beginners.、力學與流體靜力學、
  68. 【馬格農《力學》】Sir Philip Magnus, Lessons on Elementary Mechanics, Introductory to the Study of Physical Science.、
  69. 【斯美德《古神錄》】Sir William Smith, A Concise Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities.、希臘和羅馬古物簡明詞典、
  70. 【斯美德《希臘神怪》】Sir William Smith, A Smaller Classical Mythology, with Translations from the Ancient Poets, and Questions upon the Work, London: John Murray, 1901.、古典神話、
  71. 【牛德思《格物》】(待考)
  72. 【斯爵爾《格物》】Balfour Stewart, Lessons in Elementary Physics.、基礎物理學、
  73. 【安哲勒《動物內景》】John Angell, Elements of Animal Physiology, London and Glasgow: William Collins, Sons, & Co. Ltd., n.d.、動物生理學、
  74. 【赫胥黎《內景學》】Thomas Henry Huxley, Lessons in Elementary Physiology.、生理學、
  75. 【弼得門《快筆術》】Sir Isaac Pitman, The Manual of Phonography, London: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, ltd., n.d.、速記、
  76. 【贊普《對數表》】Chambers's Seven-figure Mathematical Tables.、
  77. 【贊普《商務諸表》】Commercial Tables, London and Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers, Limited, 1900.、
  78. 【布魯爾《羅馬史》】Ebennzer Cobham Brewer, A Guide to the Roman History, from the Earliest Period to the Close of the Western Empire, London: Jarrold & Sons, n.d.、
  79. 【伊番福《俄文規》】Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Ivanov, Russian Grammar, London: Kegan Paul, Trench and Co., 1884.、俄語語法、
  80. 【李倭拉《俄文問津》】Henry Riola, How to Learn Russian.、如何學俄語、
  81. 【李倭拉《俄文讀本》】Henry Riola, A Graduated Russian Reader, with a Vocabulary of all the Russian Words Contained in it.、
  82. 【崙尼《動力學》】Sidney Luxton Loney, A Treatise on Elementary Dynamics.、
  83. 【洛克思《動力學》】John Bascombe Lock, Dynamics for Beginners.、
  84. 【洛克思《三角術》】John Bascombe Lock, A Treatise on Elementary Trigonometry、或Trigonometry for Beginners、基本三角學、
  85. 【伯疊《英稗史》】(待考)
  86. 【伯疊《羅馬稗史》】(待考)
  87. 【培根《文集》】Bacon's Essays including his Moral and Historical Works, London: Frederick Warne and Co., 1885.、培根隨筆、
  88. 【巴提烈《雜引》】John Bartlett, Familiar Quotations.、
  89. 【富崙能《詩集》】(待考)
  90. 【布栗格蘭《自然奇觀》】(待考)
  91. 【贊博士《智環廣略》】Chambers's Encyclopaedia. A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge for the People, 10 vols.、普通知識、
  92. 【泰唔士《歲時記》】(待考)
  93. 【孤屋克《海行紀見》】James Cook, Captain Cook's Three Voyages round the World.、
  94. 【但丁《詩集》】(待考)
  95. 【達爾文《海行紀見》】Charles Darwin, The Voyage of The Beagle.、
  96. 【達爾文《原人》】Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex.、人類的起源、
  97. 【伊謨孫《文集》】Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, 2 vols.、
  98. 【吉賁《羅馬傾亡錄》】Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 8 vols.、羅馬帝國衰亡史、
  99. 【骨靈思《英民史》】John Richard Green, A Short History of the English People, London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1898. 、英國簡史、
  100. 【伊爾文《大食故宮》】Washington Irving, Tales of the Alhambra.、阿爾罕布拉宮、
  101. 【慶世理《西去錄》】Charles Kingsley, Westward Ho!.、向西、
  102. 【岋卜林《印度雜錄》】Rudyard Kipling、
  103. 【馬可黎《圖德史》】Thomas Babington Macaulay, The History of England from the Accension to James the Second, 2 vols.、
  104. 【馬可黎《文集》】The Works of Lord Macaulay.Essays and Biographies, 4vols, London : Longmans, Green and Co., 1898.、
  105. 【博士威《約翰孫行述》】James Boswell, The Life of Samuel Johnson, 3 vols.、約翰遜傳、
  106. 【倮禮《亞達傳》】Sir Thomas Malory, Le Morte Darthur. Sir Thomas Malory's Book of King Arthur and of his Noble Knights of the the Round of the Round Table, 2 vols, London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1900.、亞瑟、
  107. 【懷德《世爾滂動物狀》】Gilbert White, The Natural History & Antiquities of Selborne in the County of Southampton.、南安普敦郡塞爾伯恩的自然歷史和文物、
  108. 【斐羅町《湯唔宗傳》】Henry Fielding, The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling, 2 vols, London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1900.、湯姆·瓊斯的歷史、
  109. 【括羅敦《釣術懸談》】Izaak Walton, The Complete Angler & the Lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, Herbert & Sanderson, London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1901.、垂釣者、
  110. 【奧理烈《語錄》】Marcus Aurelius, The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius.、沉思錄、
  111. 【米勒敦《天國失复詩》】John Milton, Paradise Lost & Paradise Recovered.、失樂園、
  112. 【訥白爾《半島戰紀》】Sir William Francis Patrick Napier, History of the War in the Peninsula and the South of France from the Year 1807 to the Year 1814.、
  113. 【洛戛德《拿破崙本紀》】John Gibson Lockhart, The History of Napoleon Bonaparte.、
  114. 【烏了斯里《拿破崙末造》】Field-Marshall Viscount Wolseley, K.P., The Decline and Fall of Napoleon, London: Sampson Low, Marston and Company, Limited., 1895.、拿破崙的沒落、
  115. 【伯理斯恪《墨西哥史》】William H. Prescott, History of the Conquest of Mexico, London: George Routledge and Sons, Limited, 1901.、墨西哥征服史、
  116. 【伯理斯恪《秘魯史》】William H. Prescott, History of the Conquest of Peru.、秘魯征服史、
  117. 【昆衍思《醫典》】Quain's Dictionary of Medicine, London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1902.、奎因醫學詞典、
  118. 【荷臘士金《近世畫家》】John Ruskin, Modern Painters, 6vols, London: George Allen, 1898-1900.、現代畫家、
  119. 【荷臘士金《塵土倫理》】John Ruskin, The Ethics of the Dust.、
  120. 【荷臘士金《畫術論》】John Ruskin, The Elements of Drawing.、繪畫的要素、
  121. 【荷臘士金《營造七燈》】John Ruskin, The Seven Lamps of Architecture, London: George Allen, 1898.、建築的七盞明燈、
  122. 【斐芝洛《波斯詩譯》】(待考)
  123. 【斯考德《蘇格蘭稗史》】Sir Walter Scott, Waverly Novels, 24 vols.、
  124. 【馬韓《南非戰述》】Alfred Thayer Mahan, The Story of the War in South Africa 1899-1900, London: Sampson Low, Marston and Company, Limited, 1901.、南非戰爭的故事、
  125. 【泰唔士《英字典》】The Century Dictionary.An Encyclopedic Lexicon of the English Language, 8 Vols, London: The Times; New York: The Century Co., 1900.、英語詞典、
  126. 【泰唔士《天下地名考》】(待考)
  127. 【泰唔士《南非戰國》】(待考)
  128. 【泰唔士《支那戰國》】(待考)
  129. 【格爾諦《格言》】Wolfgang Goethe, The Maxims and Reflections of Goethe, tr. by Bailey Saunders, London: Macmillan and Co., 1893.、歌德的格言與反思、
  130. 【亞兒諾《布匿戰紀》】Thomas Arnold, The Second Punic War.、第二次佈匿戰爭、
  131. 【黑格兒《哲學歷史》】Wilhelm Georg Friedrich Hegel, Lectures on the History of Philosophy, 3 vols.、哲學史講義、
  132. 【啟羅文、忒特《力學參微》】William Thomson(Baron Kelvin) & Peter Guthrie Tait, Treatise on Natural Philosophy, 2 vols.、自然哲學論、
  133. 【達歇尼《七學》】Augustin Privat-Daschanel, Elements of Natural Philosophy, 4 vols.、自然哲學的要素、
  134. 【路易《哲學二案》】George Henry Lewes, A Biographical History of Philosophy, London: George Routledge & Sons, Limited, 1902.、哲學傳記史、
  135. 【福勞德《凱撒本紀》】James Anthony Froude, Caesar.A Sketch.、
  136. 【羅哲思《哲學簡史》】Arthur Kenyon Rogers, A Student's History of Philosophy.、哲學史、
  137. 【斯賓塞爾《第一義海》】Herbert Spencer, First Principles.、第一原理、
  138. 【斯賓塞爾《生學天演》】Herbert Spencer, Principles of Biology, 2 vols.、生物學原理、
  139. 【斯賓塞爾《心學天演》】Herbert Spencer, Principles of Psychology, 2 vols.、心理學原理、
  140. 【斯賓塞爾《群學天演》】Herbert Spencer, Principles of Sociology, 3 vols.、社會學原理、
  141. 【斯賓塞爾《人倫天演》】Herbert Spencer, Principles of Ethics, 2 vols.、倫理學原理、
  142. 【斯賓塞爾《文集》】Herbert Spencer, Essays: Scientific, Political, and Speculative, 3 vols.、
  143. 【麥音思《古法典》】Henry Summer Maine, Ancient Law.、古代法律、
  144. 【培因《外籀名學》】Alexander Bain, Logic: Deduction.、演繹邏輯、
  145. 【培因《內籀名學》】Alexander Bain, Logic: Induction.、歸納邏輯、
  146. 【培因《英文雕龍》】Alexander Bain, English Composition and Rhetoric, 2 vols.、英語作文與修辭學、
  147. 【培因《心靈學》】Alexander Bain, Mental and Moral Science.Part First: Psychology and History of Philosophy, London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1872.、心理道德科學、
  148. 【白兒格《議院宣詞》】(待考)
  149. 【福勞特《大事論》】James Anthony Froude, Short Studies on Great Subjects, 4 vols.、重大課題研究、
  150. 【戛奴《七學統宗》】Adoulphe Ganot, Elementary Treatise on Physics Experimental and Applied for the Use of Colleges and Schools, London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1902.、
  151. 【羅林生《埃及古史》】George Rawlinson, Ancient Egypt.、古埃及史、
  152. 【郎博《俄羅斯史》】Alfred Rambaud, History of Russia, from the Earliest Times to 1882, 3vols, Boston: Dana Estes and Company, Publishers, n.d.、俄羅斯史、
  153. 【漢德《神思界域》】(待考)
  154. 【哈博托《雜引》】Thomas Benfield Harbottle, Dictionary of Quotations.、引語詞典、
  155. 【沙羅門《割錐通玄》】George Salmon, A Treatise on Conic Sections.、圓錐曲線、
  156. 【佛思脫《渾體代》】(待考)
  157. 【幾連生《微分術》】Benjamin Williamson, A Elementary Treatise on the Differential Calculus.、微分學基礎、
  158. 【幾連生《積分術》】Benjamin Williamson, A Elementary Treatise on the Integral Calculus.、積分學基礎、
  159. 【柏捷《物理人政》】Walter Bagehot, Physics and Politics.、物理與政治、
  160. 【古羅特《希臘古史》】George Grote, A History of Greece from the Earliest Period to the Close of the Generation Contemporary with Alexander the Great, in Ten Volumes, London: John Murray, 1888.、古希臘史、
  161. 【凱因思《計學界術》】John Neville Keynes, The Scope and Method of Political Economy.、政治經濟學的範圍和方法、
  162. 【彭忒里昂《計學純理》】Maffeo Pantaleoni, Pure Economics.、理論經濟學、
  163. 【嘉來勒《英雄錄》】Thomas Carlyle, Heroes and Hero Worship.、英雄與英雄崇拜、
  164. 【嘉來勒《法政轉輪史》】Thomas Carlyle, The French Revolution. A History, 3vols, London: Chapman and Hall, Limited, 1898.、法國大革命、
  165. 【嘉來勒《弗烈夯本紀》】Thomas Carlyle, History of Friedrich II. of Prussia Called Frederick the Great, in 8 vols, London: Chapman and Hall, limited, 1897.、弗里德里希二世、
  166. 【荷哷、思知文《幾何》】Henry Sinclair Hall & F. H. Stevens, A Text-book of Euclid's Elements for the Use of Schools, Books I.-VI. and XI., London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1902.、
  167. 【荷哷、思知文《三角術》】 Henry Sinclair Hall & F. H. Stevens, Trigonometry.、三角學、
  168. 【魯賓孫《羅馬史略》】W. S. Robinson, A First History of Rome, London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1900.、羅馬史、
  169. 【洛克《高等三角術》】John Bascombe Lock, Higher Trigonometry.、高等三角學、
  170. 【羅林孫《亞西古史》】George Rawlinson, A Manual of Ancient History from the Earliest Times to the Fall of the Sassanian Empire, Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1880.、
  171. 【邊沁《民俗法制論》】Jeremy Bentham, An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation.、道德與立法原則導論、
  172. 【賀哷《公法》】William Edward Hall, A Treatise on International Law.、國際法專論、
  173. 【吐易思《列國法》】Sir Travers Twiss, The Law of Nations, Oxford: at the Clarendon Press, 1884.、國際法、
  174. 【培根《求道新機》】Francis Bacon, Novum Organum.、新工具、
  175. 【蒲山基《名學》】Bernard Bosanquet, Logic; or, the Morphology of Knowledge, 2 vols.、
  176. 【拔德勒《論說》】The Works of Joseph Butler, 2 vols.、
  177. 【呼豪禮、衛孫《德行論》】T. Fowler & J. M. Wilson, The Principles of Morals.、道德原則、
  178. 【黑格兒《名學》】The Logic of Hegel, tr. by William Wallace, 2 vols.、邏輯學、大邏輯、
  179. 【黑格爾《心靈學》】Hegel's Philosophy of Mind, tr. by William Wallace.、精神哲學、
  180. 【休蒙《人性論》】David Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature.、
  181. 【休蒙《知識探原》】David Hume, An Enquiry concerning the Human Understanding.、人類理解研究、
  182. 【洛克《知識論》】John Locke, An Essay concerning Human Understanding, 2 vols.、人類理解論、
  183. 【洛克《知識發現》】John Locke, The Conduct of Understanding.、理解能力知道散論、
  184. 【賴伯聶子《極微論》】Leibniz, The Monadology and the Philosophical Writings.、單子學、
  185. 【羅支《名學》】Hermann Lotze, Logic, 2 vols.、
  186. 【羅支《哲學》】Hermann Lotze, Metaphysics, 2 vols.、形而上學、
  187. 【馬廷訥《倫理正宗》】James Martineau, Types of Ethical Theory, 2 vols.、倫理理論、
  188. 【馬廷訥《宗教窮理》】James Martineau, A Study of Religion: its Sources and Contents, 2 vols.、宗教的來源與內容、
  189. 【朱葉、乃德《柏拉圖學》】Benjamin Jowett & M. J. Knight, A Selection of Passages from Plato for English Readers, 2 vols.、
  190. 【斯賓諾查《倫理學》】Spinoza, Ethics.、
  191. 【華賴斯《倫理學》】William Wallace, Lectures and Essays on Natural Theology and Ethics, Oxford: at the Clarendon Press, 1898.、自然神學與倫理學的演講與隨筆、
  192. 【懷斯門《傳種論》】August Weismann, Essays upon Heredity and Kindred Biological Problems, 2 vols.、論遺傳、
  193. 【達爾文《行錄》】Charles Darwin, Autobiography of Charles Darwin.、達爾文自傳、
  194. 【馬格納《國民教育》】Laurie Magnus, National Education. Essays towards a Constructive Policy, London: John Murray, 1901.、
  195. 【眭苓《商務須知》】(待考)
  196. 【吉賁《羅史削繁》】Sir William Smith, The Student's Gibbon. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, by Edward Gibbon. Abridged, Incorporating the Researches of Recent Commentators, 2 vols.、
  197. 【拔可兒《進化史》】Henry Thomas Buckle, History of Civilization in England, 3 vols.、文明史、
  198. 【獵得《心靈學》】George Trumbull Ladd, Philosophy of Mind: An Essay on the Metaphysics of Psychology.、心靈哲學、
  199. 【列伎師《歐洲民德論》】William Edward Hartpole Lecky, History of European Morals from Augustus to Charlemagne, 2 vols.、歐洲道德史、
  200. 【斯菂芬《法國轉輪史》】H. Morse Stephens, A History of the French Revolution, 2vols, London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1897,1901.、法國革命史、
  201. 【庫士林《路得傳》】Julius Koestlin, The Life of Luther.、路德的一生、
  202. 【馬穆勒《喇嘛言行》】Friedrich Max Mueller, Ramakrishna. His Life and Sayings, London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1899.、
  203. 【荷夢思《維多利亞本紀》】Richard R. Holmes, Queen Victoria 1819-1901, London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1901.、
  204. 【淮得利《培根文注》】Francis Bacon, The Essays; with Annotations by Richard Whately.、
  205. 【培因《叢書》】Alexander Bain's Works, 5 vols.、
  206. 【克魯支《進化論》】John Beattie Crozier, Civilization and Progress.、文明與進步、
  207. 【克魯支《民智演》】John Beattie Crozier, History of Intellectual Development, on the Lines of Modern Evolution.、知識發展史、
  208. 【古靈思《文集》】Thomas Hill Green's Works, 3 vols.、
  209. 【漢德《哲學》】Immanuel Kant, Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Ethic, translated by T. K. Abbott.、道德形而上學的基本原理、
  210. 【漢德《名學》】Kant's Introduction to Logic, and his Essay on the Mistaken Subtilty of the Four Figures, translated by T. K. Abbott, London: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1885.、邏輯學概論、
  211. 【獵得《心靈學》】George Trumbull Ladd, Psychology, Descriptive or Explanatory.、心理學、
  212. 【獵得《心靈學初級》】George Trumbull Ladd, Primer of Psychology.、心理學入門、
  213. 【李支們《小兒心腦》】Ennis Richmond, The Mind of a Child, London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1901.、兒童思想、
  214. 【沙黎《心靈學》】James Sully, The Human Mind, a Text-book of Psychology, 2vols., London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1892.、人類心智、
  215. 【沙黎《心靈學略論》】James Sully, The Outline of Psychology.、心理學綱要、
  216. 【沙黎《心靈學提要》】James Sully, The Teacher's Handbook of Psychology.、心理學教師手冊、
  217. 【哲勒《斯多噶學》】Eduard Zeller, Stoics, Epicureans and Sceptics.、斯多葛主義、
  218. 【哲勒《希哲略論》】Eduard Zeller, Outlines of the History of Greek Philosophy.、希臘哲學史綱要、
  219. 【哲勒《柏拉圖》】Eduard Zeller, Plato and the Older Academy.、
  220. 【哲勒《蘇格拉諦》】Eduard Zeller, Socrates and the Socratic Schools.、
  221. 【哲勒《亞里斯多德》】Eduard Zeller, Aristotle and the Earlier Peripatetics, 2 vols, tr. by B. F. C. Costelloe and J. H. Muirhead, London:Longmans, Green, and Co., 1897.、
  222. 【地華斯《計學》】C. S. Dewas, A Manual of Political Economy.、政治經濟學、
  223. 【力加卑《第一義》】John Rickaby, S.J., First Principles of Knowledge.、第一原理、
  224. 【古拉罕《疑似別明》】G. F. Graham, English Synonyms, Classified and Explained: with Practical Exercises.、同義詞分類解釋、
  225. 【馬穆禮《言語學》】Friedrich Max Mueller, The Science of Language. —Founded on Lectures Delivered at the Royal Institution in 1861 and 1863, 2 vols.、語言科學、
  226. 【柏捷《食貨叢談》】Walter Bagehot, Economic Studies.、經濟研究、
  227. 【穆勒《計學》】John Stuart Mill, Principles of Political Economy, 2 vols.、政治經濟學原理、
  228. 【沙仁蒙《計學入門》】J. E. Symes, Political Economy: A Short Text-book of Political Economy.、政治經濟學教科書、
  229. 【魯勃《社會古初》】Sir J. Lubbock, The Origin of Civilisation, and the Primitive Condition of Man.、人類的起源、
  230. 【羅美仁《達學三際》】George John Romanes, Darwin, and After Darwin, 3 vols.、
  231. 【解爾諦《包士特》】Johan Wolfgang von Goethe, The First Part of the Tragedy of Faust, in English by Thos. E. Webb, London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1898.、浮士德、
  232. 【比恭思爾《小說》】The Novels of Earl of Beaconsfield, 11 vols.、
  233. 【赫加得《非洲小說》】Works by H. Rider Haggard, 18 vols.、
  234. 【赫圖翼《海中奇物》】Georg Hartwig, The Sea and its Living Wonders, London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1892.、海洋與生命奇跡、
  235. 【赫圖翼《赤道奇物》】Georg Hartwig, The Tropical World: Aspects of Man and Nature in the Equatorial Regions of the Globe, London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1892.、熱帶世界、
  236. 【赫圖翼《二極奇物》】Georg Hartwig, The Polar World: A Popular Description of Man and Nature in the Arctic and Antarctic Regions of the Globe, London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1892.、極地世界、
  237. 【赫圖翼《地中奇物》】Georg Hartwig, The Subterranean World, London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1892.、地下世界、
  238. 【普羅脫《科學淺談》】Richard A. Proctor, Pleasant Ways in Science.、
  239. 【穆勒《名學》】John Stuart Mill, A System of Logic, 2 vols.、
  240. 【英門思《數表》】(待考)
  241. 【馬珂思《年譜》】(待考)
  242. 【湯生忒特《力學後編》】Thomas Turner Tate, The Principles of Mechanical Philosophy Applied to Industrial Mechanics: Forming a Sequel to the Author's "Exercises on Mechanics and Natural Philosophy.、機械哲學續集、
  243. 【羅頓《風雨海潮》】(待考)
  244. 【荷力格利《數學集題》】(待考)
  245. 【士撻布《立憲史》】Williams Stubbs, The Constitutional History of England in Its Origin and Development, 2 vols.、憲法史、
  246. 【韋廉生《積分術》】Benjamin Williamson, An Elementary Treatise on the Integral Calculus.、積分學基礎、
  247. 【巴得賴耶《名學》】Francis Herbert Bradley, The Principles of Logic.、邏輯原理、
  248. 【克西拉《儀器用法》】(待考)
  249. 【庫倫《海防論》】(待考)
  250. 【約翰生《曲線解題》】(待考)
  251. 【佛賴爾《三方指數》】(待考)
  252. 【加涅特《力學》】William Garnett, Elementary Mechanics.、基本力學、
  253. 【摩禮利《英文謀篇》】George Saintsbury, Specimens of English Prose Style from Malory to Macaulay, London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., MDCCCLXXX.、英文散文、
  254. 【頡德《穆氏名學析義》】Killick, Handbook to Mill's System of Logic.、
  255. 【湯蒙生《思理公例》】W. Thomson, An Outline of the Necessary Laws of Thought.、思想規律、
  256. 【侯失勒《格物肄言》】Sir John Frederick William Herschel, A Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy.、自然哲學研究初步、
  257. 【李扶烈《格物淺說》】(待考)
  258. 【亞摩思《立憲考》】(待考)
  259. 【耶方斯《名學分課》】W. Stanley Jevons, Elementary Lessons in Logic:Deductive and Inductive.、邏輯基礎課:演繹和歸納、
  260. 【比阿《公司法律》】(待考)
  261. 【比阿《談術》】(待考)
  262. 【阿只勒威《英字典》】(待考)
  263. 【雅各生《畫名學》】(待考)
  264. 【禮耶洛《地質學》】Sir Charles Lyell, The Student's Lyell. A Manual of Elementary Geology, ed. by John W. Judd, London: John Murray, 1896.、
  265. 【路奇乃沙《計學宗派錄》】Luigi Cossa, Guide to the Study of Political Economy.、政治經濟學研究指南、
  266. 【赫胥黎《全集》】The Works of Thomas Henry Huxley, 12 vols.、
  267. 【摩利《全集》】Mr. John Morley' s Writings, 11 vols.、
  268. 【狹思丕爾《全集》】The Complete Works of William Shakespeare、
  269. 【侯失勒《談天》】Sir John Frederick William Herschel, Outlines of Astronomy.、天文學綱要、
  270. 【麥里飛《駕駛學》】(待考)
  271. 【韓布林《水學》】James Hamblin Smith, A Treatise on Hydrostatics.、靜水力論、
  272. 【斯賓塞《說公》】Herbert Spencer, Justice, Being Part IV of the Principles of Ethics.、正義、
  273. 【亞丹斯密《原富》】Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations, 2 vols.、國富論、
  274. 【勞挨略《政黨論》】Abbott Lawrence Lowell, Governments and Parties in Continental Europe, 2 vols.、歐洲大陸政府和政黨、
  275. 【馬格密蘭《法語通津》】Macmillan's Progressive French Reader, 3 vols.、
  276. 【赫加特《小說》】(待考)
  277. 【赫加特《李思白》】H. Rider Haggard, Lysbeth: A Tale of the Dutch.、
  278. 【李肎《練心法》】(待考)
  279. 【穆勒《名學小本》】(待考)
  280. 【虎哥《公法》】Hugo Grotius, The Rights of War and Peace, in Three Books.、戰爭與和平權、
  281. 【倭克爾《公法讀本》】Thomas Alfred Walker, A Manual of Public International Law.、國際公法手冊、
  282. 【倭克爾《公法歷史》】Thomas Alfred Walker, A History of the Law of Nations, Vol.I. From the Earliest Times to the Peace of Westphalia, 1648, Cambridge: at the University Press, 1899.、國際法史、
  283. 【士提耳門《義大利合邦》】William James Stillman, The Union of Italy 1815-1895, Cambridge: at the University Press, 1899.、意大利聯盟、
  284. 【庚布立之《史學教法》】(待考)、
  285. 【費此《教育目的》】Sir Joshua Girling Fitch, Educational Aims and Methods.、教育目標和方法、
  286. 【崔林《教育理法》】Rev. Edward Thring, Theory and Practice of Teaching, Cambridge: at the University Press, 1899.、教學理論與實踐、
  287. 【勞里《師範陶成》】S. S. Laurie, The Training of Teachers and Methods of Instruction, Selected Papers.、教師培訓和教學方法、
  288. 【洛克《教育論》】John Locke, Some Thoughts concerning Education.、教育漫話、
  289. 【馬孔《造就德品》】John MacCunn, The Making of Character. Some Educational Aspects of Ethics, Cambridge: at the University Press, 1901.、性格的塑造、
  290. 【寶勒《天文入門》】Robert Stawell Ball, Elements of Astronomy.、天文學基礎、
  291. 【巴特勒《集語》】(待考)
  292. 【斯特門《會計錄》】(待考)
  293. 【戴洛爾《人道論》】E. B. Tylor, Anthropology.、人類學、
  294. 【馬密蘭《英政家》】Macmillan, Twelve English Statesmen、英國政治家、
  295. 【馬密蘭《英文家》】Macmillan, English Men of Letters、英國文人、
  296. 【馬密蘭《續英文家》】(待考)
  297. 【馬密蘭《英實行家》】English Men of Action, 11 vols, Macmillan and Co., Limited. Mowbray Morris, Montrose, London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1901.、英國實幹家、
  298. 【馬密蘭《外國政家》】Foreign Statesmen, 10 vols, Macmillan and Co., Limited. Richard Lodge, Richelieu, London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1896.、外國政治家、
  299. 【雅各孫《咀魯阿師德》】A.V. William Jackson, Zoroaster. The Prophet of Ancient Iran, London: The Macmillan Company, 1901.、
  300. 【泰唔士《名人行述》】(待考)
  301. 【布列脫《帝國綱紀》】(待考)
  302. 【法拉《宗教前驅》】Rev. Frederic William Farrar, Seekers after God, London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1899.、
  303. 【吉撮《法國教桀》】Guizot, Saint Louis and Calvin, London: Macmillan and Co., 1879.、
  304. 【勞芝《科學前茅》】Oliver Lodge, The Pioneers of Science.、科學先驅、
  305. 【馬理若《義大里建國》】J. A. R. Marriott, The Makers of Modern Italy, London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1901.、現代意大利的締造者、
  306. 【楊渚《名人傳》】Charlotte Mary Yonge, A Book of Worthies.、
  307. 【楊渚《金行錄》】Charlotte Mary Yonge, A Book of Golden Deeds.、
  308. 【阿維里《科學講義》】Elroy McKendree Avery, First Lessons in Physical Science.、物理科學入門、
  309. 【卑禮《存不同論》】L. H. Bailey, The Survival of the Unlike, New York: The Macmillan Company, 1896.、
  310. 【華賴斯《達氏闡宗》】Alfred Russell Wallace, Darwinism: An Exposition of the Theory of Natural Selection.、達爾文主義、
  311. 【褒洛和《科學十種》】(待考)
  312. 【多白思《化學實用》】(待考)
  313. 【可栳《學堂治法》】(待考)
  314. 【政初《教育世界》】(待考)
  315. 【馬密蘭《輿地讀本》】(待考)
  316. 【亞格敦《讀史法》】Lord Acton, A Lecture on the Study of History.、歷史研究講座、
  317. 【布魯克《進化退化》】(待考)
  318. 【阿利《哈拉仙史》】Arrian, The Anabasis of Alexander.、
  319. 【博士和《希臘史》】George Willis Botsford, A History of Greece for High Schools and Academies.、
  320. 【博士和《羅馬史》】George Willis Botsford, A History of Rome for High Schools and Academies.、
  321. 【古理時《宇內十二大戰》】(待考)
  322. 【福迭斯鳩《英戰史》】John William Fortescue, A History of the 17th Lancers, Duke of Cambridge's own, 2 vols.、
  323. 【赫沙爾《歐史綱》】Arthur Hassall, A Handbook of European History.、歐洲歷史手冊、
  324. 【佛力門《史課本》】Edward Augustus Freeman, Freeman's Historical Course for Schools, 8 vols.、
  325. 【馬密蘭《史讀本》】Macmillan's History Readers, 7 vols.、歷史讀物、
  326. 【洛士柴《法史名人》】Baron Ferdinand Rothschild, Personal Characteristics from French History.、
  327. 【施利《國家講義》】(待考)
  328. 【蘇挨勒《史選》】E. M. Sewell and Ch. M. Yonge, European History: A Series of Historical Selections from the Best Authorities, 2 Vols.、
  329. 【揮勒《印度史》】J. Talboys Wheeler, A Short History of India.、
  330. 【幾洛比《衛生學》】Edward E. Willoughby, Hygiene for Students.、
  331. 【伊木白《寓言》】Aesop's Fables.、伊索寓言、
  332. 【古靈《英史國家》】John Richard Green, A Short History of the English People, 3 vols.、英國人民簡史、
  333. 【費支洛《鄂麻開宴》】Edward FitzGerald, The Rubayat of Omar Khayyam.、
  334. 【白威克《佛羅傳》】(待考)
  335. 【白威克《哲家傳奇》】(待考)
  336. 【洛綺爾《天學》】Sir J. Norman Lockyer, Elementary Lessons in Astronomy.、天文學基礎、
  337. 【保羅《算家傳》】Walter William Rouse Ball, A Short Account of the History of Mathematics.、數學史簡述、
  338. 【墨疏《兵法學》】James Mercur, Elements of the Art of War.、
  339. 【亞狄生《文集》】Joseph Addison, Selections from theSpectator.、
  340. 【馬老里《王子錄》】Sir Thomas Malory, Le Morte Darthur, 2 vols.、
  341. 【樸伯《人道篇》】Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man.、論人、
  342. 【馬密蘭《高等讀本》】(待考)
  343. 【淮脫《動植學》】J. H. Whyte, The Science of Life; or the Animal and Vegetable Biology.、動植物生物學、
  344. 【保林《哲學字典》】James Mark Baldwin, Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology, Vol.1、哲學與心理學詞典、
  345. 【漢德《心理判》】Immanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. tr. into English by F. Max Mueller, New York: The Macmillan and Company,1900.、純粹理性批判、
  346. 【賴伯尼《人知識》】Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, New Essays on Human Understanding.、
  347. 【羅哲思《哲學史》】Arthur Kenyon Rogers, A Student's History of Philosophy.、
  348. 【伯山階《國家學》】Bernard Bosanquet, The Philosophical Theory of the State.、
  349. 【馬密蘭《計學經》】Macmillan, Economic Classics、經濟經典、
  350. 【馬協律《實藝計學》】Henry Dunning Macleod, The Elements of Economics.、經濟學基礎、
  351. 【白冷《財賦論》】(待考)
  352. 【洗立民《稅學》】Edwin R. A. Seligman, Essays in Taxation, New York: The Macmillan Company, 1900.、稅收論、
  353. 【倭克爾《計學初級》】Francis Amasa Walker, First Lessons in Political Economy.、政治經濟學入門、
  354. 【戛安《政論》】John Elliott Cairnes, Political Essays, London: Macmillan and Co., 1873.、
  355. 【弗士德《內景學》】Sir Michael Foster, Textbook of Physiology.、生理學教科書、
  356. 【葉諸無逸《倫理學》】Henry Sidgwick, The System of Ethics.、道德體系、
  357. 【郎費路《但丁詩》】Henry Wadsworth Longfellow(tr.), Dante's Divine Comedy, 3 vols.、但丁神曲、
  358. 【伯理士各《史》】William Hickling Prescott, The Complete Works of William Hickling Prescott, ed. with the Author's Latest Corrections, by John Foster Kirk, 12 vols, London: Gibbings & Company, Limited, 1896-1897.、
  359. 【柏捷《群學》】Walter Bagehot, Sociology.、社會學、
  360. 【嘉來勒《說衣》】Thomas Carlyle, Sartor Resartus.、衣裳哲學、
  361. 【漢德《說教育》】Immanuel Kant, On Education.、教育論、
  362. 【蘭頓《學堂理法》】Joseph Landon, The Principles and Practice of Teaching and Class Management.、教學與班級管理的原理與實踐、
  363. 【徒拉卜《文辭選》】(待考)
  364. 【斯達路《形氣理極》】John Bernhard Stallo, The Concepts and Theories of Modern Physics.、現代物理學的概念和理論、
  365. 【斯爵耳《力體常住》】Balfour Stewart, The Conservation of Energy.、能量守恆、
  366. 【伊墨孫《文集》】Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Collected Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, 6 vols.、
  367. 【宓克《中英交涉》】Alexander Michie, The Englishmen in China during the Victorian Era, as Illustrated in the Career of Sir Rutherford Alcock, 2 vols.、
  368. 【道格利士《全集》】(待考)
  369. 【禮沁《老公錄》】(待考)
  370. 【施利《斯丹因傳》】John Robert Seeley, Life and Times of Stein, 3 vols.、
  371. 【威遠《內景學》】(待考)
  372. 【博山皆《國家學》】Bernard Bosanquet, The Philosophical Theory of the State.、國家哲學理論、
  373. 【柏聯《財政學》】(待考)
  374. 【西里《國家講義》】John Robert Seeley, The Expansion of England. Two Courses of Lectures.、
  375. 【版克《理財須知》】A Banker's Daughter, First Lessons in Business Matters.、商業第一課、
  376. 【和洛登《釣術》】Izaak Walton, The Complete Angler.、
  377. 【邊沁《道德政治》】Jeremy Bentham, Moral Politics.、道德政治、
  378. 【荷蘭《公法》】Thomas Erskine Holland, Studies in International Law, Oxford: at the Clarendon Press, 1898.、國際法研究、
  379. 【休蒙《尺牘集》】Letters of David Hume.、書信集、
  380. 【約翰生《尺牘集》】Letters of Samuel Johnson, 2 vols.、
  381. 【黑格兒《宗教哲學》】Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion, together with a Work on the Proofs of the Existence of God by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, 3 vols, translated from the Second German Edition by the Rev. E. B. Speirs and J. Burdon Sanderson, London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Truebner & Co., Ltd., 1895.、
  382. 【黑格兒《美術哲學》】The Introduction to Hegel's Philosophy of Fine Art, tr. by Bernard Bosanquet, London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., 1886.、
  383. 【黑格兒《名學》】Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Logic, 3 vols.、
  384. 【馬丁《駕駛全書》】(待考)
  385. 【瓦洛克《英大字典》】(待考)
  386. 【瓦洛克(又五部)《英大字典》】(待考)
  387. 【森周里《智環略》】(待考)
  388. 【森周里(又五部)《智環略》】(待考)
  389. 【魯烈《小字典》】(待考)
  390. 【魯烈(又一部)《小字典》】(待考)
  391. 【保靈(第二卷)《哲學字典》】James Mark Baldwin, Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology, Vol.2.、哲學與心理學詞典、
  392. 【國會《智環廣略》】The Encyclopaedia Britannica,36 vols.、不列顛百科全書、
  393. 【費士安文《古今列國史餘》】T. Fisher Unwin, The Story of the Nations、